
Does a bug light attract and kill mosquitos?

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My dad's subdivision has a major mosquito problem and I was wondering what would be the best to kill them. I was thinking about getting him a bug light because I can simply get that at Walmart or somewhere like that.

His subdivision can't be sprayed because he doesn't live in the city limits, so it's out of their hands, but the mosquitos are really bad.




  1. Yes that will solve the Problem but first make sure there is no Stagnant water in the area those are nesting areas for Mosquito's and  with regards to the Bug Light sometime it can be a Hazard especially if its a big Insect or a bug it can cause Fire...Or seek professional help from an exterminator!

  2. Mosquitos (and blackflies too, I'm sorry to say) aren't attracted to bug lights nearly as much as most other bugs (including beneficial ones!) Save your money on that one.

    To the extent that one can, it's important to get rid of stagnant water where the mosquitos larvae grow.

    They love damp, still, dark and moist places.  Keep your lawn trimmed, and your bushes pruned. Enjoy the outdoors in sunny, breezy areas.

    Use a bug repellant with DEET. It's the only stuff that works.

    Check "Lancet". Citronella, "Skin-so-soft" and "natural" products not only do not repel biting bugs, they attract them. Also, there's extensive research that nothing you eat or drink (including garlic, cider vinegar, etc., etc.) will have any repellant effect.

    I know what I'm talking about. I live just next to a sanctuary pond. The birdsongs make me feel like some important part of the world exists.  Unfortunately, that part also generates mosquitos and blackflies.  To me, mosquitos are pets, compared to the northern blackfly. And I react badly: a black eye, a fat lip, festering boils ...!

    I have been seen gardening wearing heavy jeans tucked into wool socks in gum boots, sweater tucked into jeans, turtleneck sweater and a "babushka" tied under my chin and tucked around into the turtleneck.  

    Count your blessings!

  3. I've heard that bug lights don't kill mosquitos but they attract and kill bugs that might eat them. There are mosquito specific machine but I think they are a bit pricey - over $100.

    Good luck!

  4. Bug lights really don't work all that great.  Better to just use some good bug spray....the one you attach to the water hose work pretty good.  Light up a bunch of citronella candles.  There are some flowers that you can plant that are natural mosquito repellent.  Lemon Grass is supposed to work well.  Just plant some by the door.  Don't leave buckets or anything lying around filled with water.  Empty or keep turned upside down especially after a rain.   Don't get me wrong, the bug lights will kill them, but it's kinda gross and messy and not any more effective then the above mentioned.

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