
Does a cats bladder hold about as mutch urine as a human's can?

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can a cat hold more pee than a human? if not what animal has the biggist bladder?

lol just asking!




  1. I had to dissect a cat in my human anatomy class in high school. Most of the cats we had in my lab had bladders about the size of a golf ball, so no, it can't hold as much urine as a human bladder. However, the cat my group was dissecting had an ENORMOUS bladder. Seriously, it was probably human-sized. When we did the cut into the abdominal cavity, we freaked out. It looked like our cat had no intestines. but we had just cut through the abdominal wall and the gigantic bladder, so we were seeing the inside of the bladder. The cat did have intestines, but they would have been pretty squished when the cat had to pee. We figured he was probably a housecat that didn't get let out ever and probably had a litterbox in a place he didn't like, which would lead him to 'holding it' and stretching his bladder. Either that or he had a bladder disorder. But I would guess the biggest animals have the biggest bladders.

  2. Oh heck no. The biggest bladder, maybe an Elephant????

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