
Does a clean neighborhood make you feel better?

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or does it matter




  1. yes

  2. definitely ,cleaning the neighborhood is like cleaning your own home

  3. depends on what you consider  clean... if a polished lawn   and nothing  alive left in your yard but grass, then no

      if a few weeds  are growing  along side the shed,  a mole  or two  tunnaling  for roots and grubs    and the grass  seems to have  about a dozen  different types  growing here and there, but no  junkyard  out front  then sure ill say yeah.

      To pristine a yard  seems  like its either  someone  hiding  something,  trying to perfect,  or get as far from nature as possible.

  4. yes deffently it is so much better now going on to my local field with my mates and seing it clean ....i think it also make the older people around my area kinder

  5. Yeah, I think it matters-- it just feels nicer, it creates nicer outdoor places for kids and people to meet, which creates a stronger sense of community.  It also shows that people want to put some effort into making where they live a nice place.

    Subdivisions and gated communities, though... I think those are creepy, even though they're usually very clean.  I like a clean neighborhood, but it's also got to have personality.

  6. They make me feel better.  They also help my pocketbook, help my children succeed and improve the general health of my family and th community.  HOW?  you ask.

    Cleaner neighborhoods lead to higher property values.  Higher property values make more for me when I sell my home.  You rent?  No problem, higher property values lead to more local services which means you get more city services (whatever one is important to you, you will get more on average) even if you are a renter.

    Cleaner neighborhoods lead to lower crime and more activity in parks and play for the kids.  More activity leads to better health, improved performance in school and long term economic gains.  Several long-term studies have been done that show this.

    Cleaner neighborhoods lead to better performance in school for kids which lead to success in college which leads to success in life.  There are exceptions of course but I am only saying on average things improve.

    Cleaner neighborhoods lead to healthier families which contributes to general family happiness.  Generally people are happier in a clean neighborhood.  They derive economic value from this as well as mental and physical health benefits.

    You can't go wrong if you clean up your neighborhood!

  7. Yes...a clean neighborhood does make me feel better.

    Except I have scummy neighbors so I can't feel that.  My family and about 6 other families are clean out of like 12 scummy houses.

  8. yes ,it keeps us free frm diseases & we r healthy & can enjoy our life

  9. No, actually I like to see grafitti on every stationary object.

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