
Does a committee of elders run this country behind the president?

by  |  earlier

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I suspect that when we elect a president he is greeted at the White House by the chairman who says, "Good morning. This is how it will be for the next four years."

Nothing ever changes. Dem or Repub, the same tired old programs, control over our lives, more debt, more war.




  1. No it is run by the Federal Reserve a private corporation but you

    mostly have it.

  2. You are just beginning to scratch the surface keep digging.

  3. Things were pretty good when Clinton was there... we didn't have any debt...

  4. You mean Dear Old David Rockefeller's groups - the Counsel Of Foregin Relations and The Bilderbergs. YES. LOL and worse than that they are in control of 2/3s of the US Congress also.   Big Mess!!  They are the terrorists needing dismantling - not the -  Mid Easterners and the US Constitution.

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