
Does a compound bow have more power & force behind it than a longbow?

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Basically what im asking is can i kill deer, elk, bear, etc. just as easy with a longbow as i could with a compound bow?




  1. The game will die just as easy when hit by the longbow, as the compound. But the hunter will have to have more skill, work harder at getting a little closer shot, and do some serious practice with the long bow before attempting it. The simplicity of it will add to the satisfaction of harvesting game with it. My heart will always lie with the long bow, but practicality says that I must use the compound.  

  2. A compound bow produces more "power and force" as you put it because the string and pulley system offers mechanical advantage.

    You get more "Bang" for less effort on the part of your body.

    The long bow has been killing Friend, foe and food for centuries. Fun to shoot too. There seems to be a new interest is using longbows and old style recurve bows now days...In archery, the arrow itself is the biggest winner as far as technolgy goes...the modern broadhead is light years ahead of past arrow designs.


  3. The compound bow will throw an arrow at a greater velocity for a given draw weight and you will most likely be able to handle more weight with a compound because of the let off but the longbow is capable of and has taken everything that walks or crawls or swims on the planet.  I shoot a recurve bow and like the compactness and light weight to carry in the field.

  4. the heavier the draw weight, (on any bow) the more velocity its going to have when it hits the desired target.

  5. Compound bows generally have more zip than traditional bows. They are also easier to shoot. You can kill big game with traditional bows, people do it all the time. Its basically what you wanna do. Compounds are much more forgiving than traditional bows as well.

    The key is to practice, practice, practice no matter what style of bow you choose. Always know your limits so you can be ethical and humane.

  6. There is only one big difference between a longbow and a compound bow, that being the longbow does not have "wheels" on it and is therefor harder to draw back to (and hold at) anchor. That being said...

    Short answer: The longbow is every bit as deadly, powerful and and easy to use as the compound -- in the right hands.

    The slightly longer answer: With enough practice, and with properly made arrows, a longbow is just as deadly-accurate and powerful as any compound of comparable draw-weight. The key (other than the person using the bow) is the arrows -- if they are not properly made  (if they are not matched to the bow, the archer and the intended use, i.e., hunting), the longbow will be just another stick with a string attached at each end.

    Any old bow can be used to send an arrow towards the target -- but only a properly made arrow can be used accurately with any old bow.

  7. Of course it has more power than a long bow...a compound bow is mechanized and uses a system of pulleys to project arrows,so it creates much more leverage than you can with a long bow...but its whatever floats your boat...i guess if your a purist, you would used a longbow or a recurved bow but....I would rather have a compound and make sure that 400-500 lb. elk isnt gonna go far

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