
Does a crf70 have an oil filter?

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crf70 oil filter




  1. no

  2. Yeah,,they do.

    It's not a typical type that we normally think of as a filter.

    But Honda does consider it THE Oil filter,,,as well as specifying it's maintenance.

    It's a Freakin' SCREEN ,,,Inside the engine.

    You must Remove the R/H engine cover to access it.

    It doesn't do Full Function "Oil Filtering",,

    but it DOES catch most all metal particles out of the oil,,,just before pumping that oil into your engine's crankshaft.

    HONDA sez,,"Service It".

    So I Cannot tell you NOT to bother with it.

    But I CAN tell You that I've worked on engines with the exact same ,identical set-up for almost as long as Honda has been importing them into USA.

    Over the years since the Early 60's,,,and working on way over 5,000 of those things,,,and seeing the insides of a Bunch more than that...

    A)I do Not recall even ONE single instance of a Customer bringing their bike in and Requesting that the Filter be Cleaned.

    B) I have seen PLENTY of them Packed with c**p from engine failures,,,

    And have seen Plenty which were pretty packed with particles  from Many Years of "normal wear & tear,,,

    But have Never Seen or Heard of Any failure  that was directly attributed to Lack of Maintenance.

    I've worked with Dozens of guys who dont even clean the things during  engine or clutch work,,,when it's EASY to do it.

    What I would would More Strongly Suggest ,,,and in my experience is Far more important...

    #1,,,Use a High Quality Synthetic Oil >>MOTORCYCLE Specific.

    Mobil 1 10w-40 Bike Oil  would be Hard to beat

    #2,,,Buy or Make yourself a Magnetic Drain Plug.

    It's worth the Trouble to make a Magnetic Dipstick also.

    You'll never beleive how much Metal "Dust" those will take Out of the engine untill Ya see it for yourself.

    Which is basically all the Original Filter Screen does.

    The Magnets dont care about "build-up" or clogging,,,,and catch a Ton of that stuff BEFORE it ever gets to the Screen.

    So it helps Keep the screen clean in the first place.


    If you want a free Repair Manual,,,

    If it makes you Log-In,,use  the password LIBRARY in both places.

    According to whereever that lands You,,,

    Go to SMALL ENGINES >>>Motorcycles>>> Honda>>>CRF70(gotta scroll waaaay down)

    Again,,I Cant/Wont say,,,"Skip the Filter".

    But most people do because its a nuisance,

    That's "Safe" because it wont deteriorate like a Paper Filter and cause Worse problems.

    Lots of folks don't even KNOW there's a "filter".

    Good Luck

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