
Does a doctor really have time for dating?

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I've been dating this doctor now for about 2 months.I really like him but it's been hard for me,due to the fact that he's always busy.I've seen him about 5 times altogether,and there are times when I don't even hear from him for a few days straight.Does this mean he might not be interested anymore,or just that he really is busy? He told me that he usually ends up staying the night at the hospital,and is constantly moving all the time.But is it truly possible not to be able to even make a 60 second phone call just to say "hello?" Or Is he really not making an effort?




  1. no no u got him all wrong my dad is a doctor to in a hospital and its intense!!! they have no time for anything cause theres alot of rushes and patients that need help and they need a doctors full concentration on what there doing its stressful work and they always have there hands tied sooo juss cut him some slack he will give ya a call when hes not busy! no worries

  2. when he's on break or whatever try to be there with him then

    you can pay him visits from time to time

    or you can call him when you get off of work

    if none of this works talk to him about it

    NOTE: DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM(and no im not yelling, im making this big so you'll be able to know what not to do before u get your heart broke

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