
Does a dog change once its been bitten?

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Just asked a question as my dog has been bitten today (many thanks for all the great answers so far :))) My second question is..... is there a chance his behaviour will change, he is a really mild mannered sociable dog who loves humans and dogs alike, he has never shown any agression towards people (I don't even know what his teeth look like !!! LOL) and other than raising his heckles when approached by other more dominant dogs (very rarely and usually runs away from the situation) I am worried now that he will lose some of his mild manners and either become a scared animal or worse, agressive himself, your opinion is really valued on this one :)) P.s vet just rang, he has finished the operation, and we can maybe collect him after midnight... he's our best friend so we want to do the best we can for him :))




  1. Glad to hear your dog is doing better!

    He may be a bit more timid while recovering as he knows he is now at a physical disadvantage.  However, with healing, his personality should not change.  I would just recommend not letting your dog around that other one!

  2. bite him back!

  3. Mine did, but he was bitten by a vampire.

    Hope yr pooch is alright.

  4. I have a golden retriever who was attacked at a dog park.  Afterwards, she became very defensive and my wife and I took her to a specialist who had us stay away from the dog park and just socialized her with mild mannered dogs for about two months.  After that she was fine, she's back to her mild, fun loving self!!!  

    The dog park is an uncontrolled environment where aggressive, or hyper dogs can make a nervous dog snap.   So be sure to stay away until the anxiety issues are resolved

  5. not realy dogs are not going to change just like tht i have been learning about dogs im going into medical school and dogs will stay traned still after tht but the answer is no they will not change....

  6. Im guessing he wont change towards you and who ever you live with but will probably not like other animals, my ex used to have a jack russell and it got attacked by a cat! yeah i know a cat! they can be very vicious if you have seen them go and after that he was wary of other animals

  7. Mine did.  He became much more suspicious of strange dogs.  

    My bad.  I should have gotten him socialized right away, but we lived in the country and I didn't know any better.  Get you pup to the park, the dog park or obedience school asap.  Frequently.

  8. hopefully he wont change.  My greyhound was very badly attacked about 3 years ago and when I was allowed to take her out after 3 months I really worried about how she would react around other dogs, esp small ones as it was a jack russell that had attacked her.  Once she realised I was ok with owners and dogs alike she was happy.

    However about 2mths ago a woman with a jack was walking towards us and my dog started shaking so bad as she harecogniseded the attacker.

    Im only adding this last bit so you know that if you ever do meet your dog's attacker he will remember.

    Im glad your dog's op has gone well - give him lots of love!

  9. it depends what bit him...if it was a possum or an animal with a high chance of infecting your dog with a disease then maybe your dog will have something wrong with his medical health. After all, a healthy dog is a non aggressive dog! If your dog was bitten by another pet or an animal that would be described as healthy and disease free, then he might show a little aggression for a few days and bark at animals that look like the one that bit him. it also depends on the severity of the bite. if it was just a scratch, he should be ok, but if he was really torn up, he should have some temporary signs of aggression. Hope that helps!

  10. Lacie was bit by a black lab when she was about 1.5yrs old. It did not faze her one bit. She has continued to be extremely social. I'm sure it depends on the degree of the attack and the personality of the dog. They didn't stitch her at the E-Vet(though they should have), she had a two inch gash on her chest (still has the scar). I hope your guy recovers well and is back to his normal self soon! :)

    Oh...I just remembered she was also bit on the nose by a little yorkie mix a couple of years ago. She adores tiny little dogs, so this didn't seem to affect her at all either.

  11. you should be ok as long as you keep taking him out and let him mix with other dogs from my experience he will only be aggressive with the breed of dog that bit him  

  12. visit the following url

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