
Does a father smoking have any negative affects on a baby even if he doesn't smoke around the baby?

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My husband smokes. Never in the house and I am adamant about him washing his hands after he smokes before he comes near the baby. But I don't feel this is enough. I've tried to make him have a "smoking shirt" but he thinks that's going too far. I want him to quit- he's promised he would. But I don't see it happening. Am I right to be concerned about the affects on the baby?




  1. Even if he is not smoking around the baby smoking is still related to SIDS.  You should never co-sleep with your baby and your partner if one of you smokes either.  You are right to be concerned.

  2. That depends on whether or not your baby is breathing in the air where your father just smoked. If he was smoking in a car or room and left and then your baby came in and breathed in the smoky air, yes; it would cause harm to the child. Maybe not significant, but potential issues in the area of respiratory (breathing passages, lungs, and airways) system such as infections could result.

  3. well the baby can be alergic to it even if u havent smoked one for a while..its still on ur cloths...but i wasnt alergic to it but it still makes me have alergic reactions to the stuff thats in it

  4. My father smoked around my sister and I, and we didn't end up with no illnesses. So you should back off of your husband. Let him enjoy his child.

  5. Well have you expressed to your husband the dangers of second hand smoke. It sticks to everything so even if he smokes outside he still brings it in. Continue to encourage him to stop smoking and be supportive. Tell him it will do a world of wonders for your baby. I agree with you on this 100% and I wish the best of luck to you. Talk to him about the new pill that helps people quit smoking. Ive heard good and bad reviews on it but I guess it's worth a try  : )           I guess whomever keeps giving us thumbs down on our good answers is A Smoker .... Dont hate on the ones that want the best for our children.

  6. My ex brother in law and sister always smoke but they never close their babies. They avoid to give them become sick.

    My daughter was baby. My mother and young sisters are heavy smoker. They always wash frist then hold my daughter. They never near my baby when they smoke.

  7. sids. Tell him to quit if you care about your baby

  8. Yes, the second hand smoke is in his clothing as well as on his body and in his hair (if he has any).  We all are aware of the dangers of second hand smoke.

    You are absolutely correct in your concern for the baby.

  9. This is only if the child is around the smoke..

    "The harmful effects of passive cigarette smoke exposure to infants include an increased frequency of asthma exacerbations, lower respiratory viral infections, and the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Because of a difficulty in obtaining airway tissue from infants, little information is available on the effects of passive cigarette smoke exposure on the structure of the infant airway wall. "

    My MIL smokes.

    I make my MIL wear a smoking shirt when she visits. She also washes her hands after wards, and uses mouthwash. I do not want my baby exposed to that smell, or the chemicals left on hands, etc.

  10. YES!!! My pediatrician told me that smoke gets on clothes etc. whether the smoker is smoking in the house or not. It is not healthy for your baby. I think the smoking shirt is an excellent idea for now, hopefull he will quit smoking, I know its hard, but when it comes to your child's health nothing is going "too far".You should be concerned, you are being a good mother!

  11. Well, I have the same problem.  My husband smokes.  Only outside and never around our 18 month old.  Nevermind that I quit when I got pregnant.  Nevermind that the $ he wastes on ciggies, we could be putting away for our sons college.

    Aside from that, our son has never developed asthma or any other related illness.  He is a very healthy baby.  Thankfully.

  12. That's a bit ridiculous.  If he smokes outside of the house, and washes his hands before touching your child, what possible risk is he putting the child in?  That's what we have an immune system.  Eventually your child will be exposed to smoke.  Just try to minimize the exposure, and you're doing a great job as a parent.

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