
Does a firewall work when my computer is shut down , like ZoneAlarm ?

by  |  earlier

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I want my computer to be protected because I have DSL now.




  1. When installed in the computer and runs in the computer, surely, the firewall will not work. It only works when the system is up. The firewall that works when your computer is off is the router firewall.

  2. If the machine is shut down nothing can access it anyway.

  3. If your computer is completly shut down, It really can't be hacked into, because your internet connection is inactive (even more so with wireless networks) But you can check if your modem has a built in firewall however.

  4. A software firewall (ZoneAlarm included) will not protect a shutdown computer

    HOWEVER, this is ok, you cannot access a computer that is not turned on (Unless your computer has Wake-On-Lan enabled)

  5. If you shut down a computer then the firewall will also.

    Don't worry it is turned off so noone can hack it.

  6. Do you wear a seat belt when the car is parked and the engine off?

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