
Does a fish have 3 second memory??

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Does a fish have 3 second memory??




  1. NO!!! On Mythbusters they busted this myth. They were able to train fish (Goldfish) to follow an obstacle course and "remember" any obstacles or openings that were placed in their path!!!!

  2. you're thinking of golffish, and no, it's been shown (scientifically) that goldfish have a memory span of up to 30 days

  3. That's such a myth..i mean myth busters even tested it AND busted it! Goldfish have a memory of 3 months! smaller tetras and little fish I don't know, but they must have a memory of a few days to recognize there owner and know they are gonna be fred!

  4. No they do NOT. Mythbusters busted this myth by teaching Goldfish how to swim through a maze to get food. PLEASE don't listen to anyone who says that they do have a 3 second memory.

    E-mail me for any questions!

  5. No, and neither does a chicken.

  6. No, that's just a lie that people tell themselves so they don't feel so bad about stuffing them into tiny little bowls.

  7. Yeah :(

    Too bad. I liked my old gold fish xD

  8. nah, they dont, i watched a mythbusters episode where they took that exact myth and put it to the test. they set up somethin like 2 different 100 or 55 gallon tanks, (filtered and what not), and built a maze for them to go through and if they made it to the other end they got food, so they were being trained, if they had a 3 second memory, they wouldnt have been able to go throught he aquarium maze that was built and get to the other side of the that myth was busted, goldfish dont have a 3 second memory. as for other fish, i highly doubt they have a 3 second memory either

  9. No.

    My goldfish for the past three months have recognized me and can pick me out from a group of other people. It's because I'm the one that cleans their tank once a week and I'm the one that feeds them every day. They can tell me apart from other people that live in the house and even from my boyfriend that shares the same bedroom.

  10. N, of course not! Goldfish have a memory of up to 3 months, and some certain types of fish in the wild have a memory up to an year! If they did have a three second memory, than how would they remember what their favorite food was? : )

    Just because they can't talk doesn't mean that they are 'dumb'. Fish are quite intelligent and have good memories. I can't remember what m breakfast was three days ago but my fish can. : )

  11. yes and most popular fish with that memory is a goldfish

  12. yyes

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