
Does a full grown african elephant have any predators aside from humans?

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They look pretty big but shouldn't there be something to eat them too?




  1. no predators, no. Scavenger animals might eat a dead elephant but no animal is going to prey on and kill an African Elephant.

  2. Lions. Only when they are young or ill.

  3. yes .. lions in africa , tigers in india

    only many on one though ...

    (maybe one on one if young or ill)

  4. Lions, hyenas and crocodiles are all known to prey on African elephant calves, and some large prides of lions can take down adults - in Botswana a few years ago, I saw a pride of 26 lions kill an adult elephant.

    Tigers prey on Asian elephant calves when the opportunity arises, and may take subadults if they are sick or injured.

  5. There is a single pride of lions that is known to hunt elephants as a primary food source.  However the pride only attacks immature one and ones that are injured.  A full grown elephant in good health is quite safe.

    Tigers in India sometimes take young elephants too but again never full grown ones or for that matter ones even approaching full growth.

    Yes the pride known to take down elephants as a primary food source is in Botswana where a number of nomadic females displaces a group of territorial males during a time of drought when other prey items were scarce.  The males then took up with the nomadic females and began helping them feed on elephants.  However that pride is known to take nearly adult sized elephants at about 3/4 grown size or more.  But avoid even that pride avoids the healthy adults.

  6. when a full grown elephant is too old, dying,or ill, Lion prides will eat them in Africa.

    Tigers in India.

  7. Lions and humans

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