
Does a girl dog still attrack boy dog's even if she ahd been spayed?

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My dad refuses to get a girl dog cuz he says she'll attract guy dogs.If she gets spayed before her first time going through heat,will she still attract boy doggies?




  1. No, your cute wittle girl doggy will not attract those icky boy doggies if she is not in heat!

    Tell your daddy that!!!

  2. It has nothing to do with gender. Dogs will attack dogs depending on whether they have a dominant personality or not. Pick your dog by it's temperament and check out different breeds to find out which dog will be more suitable for your family.

  3. No. if shes spayed she doesnt have her heat which is what attracts the males.

  4. It depends on which kind of spaying technique you and your vet decide on.  If your vet performs a tubal ligation or hysterectomy, your dog will still go into heat and be able to mate...which in my opinion, is an unnecessary pain in the butt because of the mess and the problem of unwanted male dogs trying to get to her.  

    If your dog gets an ovariohysterectomy, (where they take the uterus and ovaries) your female dog will not go into heat and will not attract male dogs.  

    If you go to the link below, you can read about the spaying procedures and how they affect your dog.  Good luck.


  5. No because she's not putting of a scent that is only put off by dams (females) when they are in heat.

  6. nope.  once a female is spayed she won't attract male dogs.  They only attract males when they're in heat, and once you spay a female she won't have heat cycles, so it's not a problem

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