
Does a helmet really protect you when getting hit by a car?

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Does a helmet really protect you when getting hit by a car?




  1. Depends, full face helmets were designed to be used with neck braces.

    It seems all the hotshot sport bikers in tank tops, shorts and sneakers, didn't buy a cervical collar with their $800 helmets.

    Depends how you are hit.

    On the news many years ago, 4 riders where hit head on at 60 by a bus driving on the wrong side of the road.

    The bubble headed bleach blonde noted " and biff they were not wearing helmets, they all died"

  2. It only can protect one part of your body.  Lots of riders wearing helmets that get into accidents die and they were wearing helmets. There are all kinds of internal injuries that can occur that result in death, not just head injuries.  The thinking that a helmet saves your life in an accident comes from the nonsense we hear on the TV and read about in the newspapers.  Whenever a motorcyclist dies in an accident, the journalists are quick to point out if the rider was not wearing a helmet, but if the rider was wearing a helmet, that is never mentioned.  Take what you hear and read with a grain of salt.  It still bothers me that people put so much trust in their helmet, when in fact they only have to pass a 13 m.p.h. crash test.  When was the last time you did not exceed 13 m.p.h.?

  3. Yes, you moron.

    will you still die? possibly

  4. h**l no,

    speed is the killer. In the event of a high speed accident, and you are dead. Terminal velocity is a combination of conflicting speeds multiplied by weight, result - paste/ death.\

    The authorities can identify your body if you wear a nut protector. bazaar I know, teeth and stuff like that. A bit like hard hats on a construction site, stops the odd thing whacking you on the head, generally is a nuisance, but if killed they can identify you. Does not help anyone if flattened by a slab of concrete, you will be one mil thick any which way including your teeth.

    Best advise is drive slow and something with four wheels and moderate impact protection, air bags included. At extreme a military tank they are slow, disarm fire power, makes sense.


  5. holy shat you asked alot of questions.... you get hit by a car, and your helmet is wearing YOU for protection

  6. It sure doesnt hurt.... check out

  7. yes it 101

  8. um, duh?!?!

    how many questions have u asked??!?! get a life (of course i say that as im answering them, lol)

  9. I don't think so, because it's a car vs. motorcycles and if you're going to fast and hit the pavement 9 times out of 10 you are going to die or have brain injury.

  10. yes it does, but that said, there are an infinite amount of variables that could affect the performance of the helmet. It is not possible to design a helmet that would guarantee when hit by a car it would protect you.

    I personally would not ride without a helmet, because I believe that protection offered by a helmet is far greater than riding without one.

  11. Try this simple helmet test.

    Find a large immovable object like a brick wall, a large oak tree, etc.  Stand about 30 paces away from this large immovable object.

    Run towards the large immovable object as fast as you can.

    As you approach the large immovable object, lower your head and put your arms to your side. (Option: lower your head but face the large immovable object to simulate the effectiveness of a full face helmet.)

    Observe what it feels like then you hit the large immovable object head first.

    Most people can run about 15 MPH.  With most bikes, this is just above idling in first gear.  Imagine what this would feel like at 55 MPH.

    After you recover from the first test, repeat wearing a helmet.

    Over the years, I have wrecked enough helmets racing motorcycles and snowmobiles to know that I wouldn't be here today without one.  I always wear a helmet, even when the law doesn't require one.

    It may not always be cool.  But drooling all over yourself in a nursing home isn't cool either.

  12. A helmet will protect you in a fall, but not getting hit by a opinion...not a know fact.

  13. YES.

    I am an accident survivor (with few cracked helmets).

    Good Luck...

    P.S.  Give somebody else to ask some questions.

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