
Does a hostess receive tips in a busy restaurant?

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I'll be starting my new position as a hostess in a busy upbeat restaurant and heard that hostesses do make tips. Is this true?? If so, how?? I was under the impression that tips went to the waitresses.




  1. I was a hostess at Chevys for about 9 months. I got tips on to-go orders but the servers didn't tip out on their own tips. Some places require their servers to tip out to hostesses and bussers but some don't so it depends. I usually made $15 a night on to-gos if that.

  2. It depends on the restaurant. Where I work, hostesses do not make tips because they are paid a higher hourly wage. Plus hostessing is pretty easy work, you're not waiting on people, just taking names and seating them at tables.

  3. I've worked at 10 different restaurants in my life in three different states. I've never seen a hostess take a tip, or get tipped out. But, it HAS happened. Here are three possible ways this could happen:

    1. A waiter or Waitress tips you at at the end of the night because you kept their section full with good tipping patrons. Sometimes they'll notice this, and show their appreciation so you keep doing that. There may be one or two guys like that in a restaurant.

    2. A patron tips you because you got them a great table promptly, or as an insentive before you seat them, in hopes that you will give them a good table promptly.

    3. Some restaurants have hostesses handle the take-out orders, in which case, patrons will sometimes tip you when they pick up their food. This happens maybe 50% of the time and usually only 10%.

    So, its possible, depending on the restaurant. Usually higher end ones I'd say. Friday's will be busy, but don't expect to get tipped.

  4. i never heard that i dont think they get tips they just get a paycheck ...

    maybe if someone was really nice they would give you one

    sorry to burst your bubble

  5. Since it varies by establishment, the only way to know is to ask. You are not likely the only hostess so ask one of the others. It may be reflected in your pay; restaurants are notorious for underpaying staff because they figure you'll make minimum wage due to tips - a policy that I think stinks.  It's more prevalent in truck stops and small towns so it probably doesn't apply to you. I'd rather go to a place that says NO tipping because they pay a decent wage. Alas, this is not to be...

  6. The restaurant where I use to manage made the servers give a percentage of their tips to hostesses and buss boys.  So yes, some do and some don't, but you will find out soon!

  7. i always thought that too i never tip the hostess maybe where you work they do though maybe its a percentage split with the waitress

  8. I dont know. I never tipped a hostess. It probably depends on the restaurant!

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