
Does a house water heater sterilize water?

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There was a power outage that caused contaminated water to come to the house and into the water heater. Would hot water be sterile? For some reason I'm breaking out in rashes after taking showers but I don't seem to be getting sick from drinking tap water. Thank you.




  1. No...the water heater should be set at 110 - 120 degrees. A few are able to go higher but you need to boil the water and that would require the temperature to reach 212 degrees for it to be sterlized.

    You turn on the boiling hot sterile water and it would scald you with 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Thus, creating and unsafe hazard in your home.

  2. No. A hot water heater doesn't get hot enough to sterilize. You need to boil it to sterilize it. If you're breaking out in rashes, you should get the water tested.

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