
Does a hypnotist have to be clinically certified to work with patients?

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Does a hypnotist have to be clinically certified to work with patients?




  1. First, hypnosis is just a technique to get people to relax, and ironically to focus/concentrate.  It is not magic. There is no "altered state" and it doesn't unlock parts of the brain or memory that are inaccessible by other means.  It has also been described as an unspoken agreement between two people to role play.  This is the essence of stage hypnotists, and for all intents is basically what occurs in clinical hypnosis.

    I'm not familiar with training or standards of hypnotists, but I don't think there is a national standard.

    Anybody who wants to use hypnosis on patients, must first have some other legitimate training or qualifications to work with patients (seems kind of self evident to me)  Such as nurse, physician, psychologist, counsellor.  Hypnosis is just a tool , it doesn't have any intrinsic "power to heal".  

    Just learning the technique of hypnosis on it's own does not qualify anybody to be giving health advice any more than learning a massage technique does.

  2. Good answers so far, I'll just add...

    In the US, regulations vary from State to State.

    It woulld be unwise to work with a Hypnotist for a therapeutic effect... and unethical for someone to charge $$ for services they are not qualified to offer.  

    I did pro bono (professional services offered voluntarily without payment) before I was certified.  Now I charge between $80-$140 per session.

    All hypnosis is self hypnosis, so you are always in control (no mind control!)... but for therapeutic effect you could make a situation worsen if the Hypnotist isn't skilled or a Physician's medical release is needed/required legally.

  3. A Professional Hypnotherapist is one who has been trained and degreed by a regionally accredited university or college in the fields of medicine or mental health.  In addition, these professionals have been trained in hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques, which they use with their mental health and medical training, as an additional treatment technique, after a careful psychosocial assessment and evaluation.

    Look for credentials such as degrees in psychology, social work, nursing, medicine, professional counseling, marriage and family therapy, dentistry, and osteopathy.  These may be M.A., M.S., M.S.W., B.A., B.S., or Ph.D., Psy.D., D.O., M.D., D.D.S.  When you are in doubt, ask the practitioner for the number of their State Board, to check their credentials.

    There are three professional hypnosis Organizations in the United States: APMHA American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association (which sponsors the H.E.L.P. site), ASCH American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and the SCEH Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

  4. I dont know but thats an interesting question.

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