
Does a judge make you show proof that you are a lawyer?

by  |  earlier

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I do some legal work, but technically I'm not allowed to. I have to go to court tomorrow but I obviously don't want the judge to know I'm don't have a lawyer card or anything.




  1. Be honest - you barely know how to spell "legal" or you wouldn't be asking this question.

    Yes, you'll need to show proof if he doesn't know you are.

  2. Impersonating a lawyer is a very serious crime.  It's one thing to be a paralegal who prepares pleadings for someone, but you cannot represent anyone in court!  Tell them the truth, that you're unable to represent them but you will help them find someone who can.  Don't you think that these people are entitled to have a real lawyer in court, not just a wannabe lawyer?  And if you have the potential to ever, ever be a lawyer, then you're kissing that goodbye because no law school will ever admit you.  Unless, of course, you attend under someone else's name, which it sounds like you might do.

    Yes, the court is going to ask, and if the person was self-representing and then you show up, the court's going to want to see a substitution of attorney.  You don't just show up in court and start making an argument.  And if you talk like you write, it's going to be apparent very quickly.  I've seen the court check online while the wannabe lawyer is speaking, and thinking he's Clarence Darrow, and the next thing you know the judge stops the proceeding saying that he doesn't see the guy's name in the state bar, and HAS THE GUY ARRESTED.  

    "Technically I'm not allowed to"????  How do you think you're going to be a fake lawyer when your idea of a criminal act is "technically I'm not allowed to"?  HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND??!!  IT IS ILLEGAL TO PRACTICE LAW WITHOUT A LICENSE.  

    Do the right thing, if not for your sake then for the poor people who paid you and were misled/LIED TO.  

    I guess it could be worse--you could do *doctoring* but technically you're not allowed to.  

  3. Penalties vary by state--but the unauthorized practice of law is often a felony punishable by imprisonment.  (But as a fake lawyer, you probably already know that.) I strongly advise against it.

  4. It is against the law to perform law and not be an attorney.  Now you can always represent yourself but you may not represent others in legal matters.  usually there is a close association between judges and lawyers and they meet for continuing education classes, etc. thought they might not know you are not a lawyer. If he wants to check all he has to do is to ask you for  your Supreme Court number.  that number identified every attorney as to who they are.

    You may be putting yourself at great risk here as it is more than just technically  not allowed to - it is illegal to do legal work or represent clients as an attorney when you are not an attorney.

    Remember, if it is for yourself, you are okay as you can represent yourself.  Why in the world would you wait until today to ask this question?  

  5. If you're not known to the court then usually, yes, he will.

    If you are practicing law without a license then you will be criminally prosecuted, and will also be civilly liable to your "client".


  6. Wow.

    I'd love to hear WHAT KIND of "legal" work you think you are doing.. if you don't know enough to know that you are probably committing a felony.

    You win Wendy's award for the most bizarre question of the day.  

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