
Does a lip piercing hurt?

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i had my cartilage [2] self pierced with a 18G needles

and i have my nose done self pierced

do you think i can handle lip piercing? and does it hurt?




  1. its a lot more skin to go through , i have mine done and i would def suggest getting it done professionally ,  

  2. Yea it hurts. It is thicker than your ears and nose too.  

  3. yeah. if you can you your own peircings by yourself without chickening out, you could sure handle a lip piercing. doing it by yourself though would probably hurt worse because you might go slower than a professional would. so be prepared. and if you don't have a clamp, don't do it. you want to get the piercing in the right place or it will get infected or be crooked.

  4. you should really go get it done professionally..i used to pierce myself too when I was like 14 and i'm lucky nothing ever got infected or hit a nerve or anything. I just got my lip professionally pierced a bit over a week ago and i'm really glad I got it done by a piercer..piercing your ears is a lot different than your lip. If your lip piercing gets infected it'll hurt like h**l and your lip will swell up and look ridiculous. It hurt for like a split second when I got it pierced and then it was fine. It's still healing (9 days later) right now. I'm not criticizing you for piercing yourself because I have done it in the past too but definitely see a professional with your lip ring, you don't want to ruin your lips!

  5. i think i can handle it..

    most people say it doesnt but i think it will.

  6. i have mine done on the left side and i love it i also have earrings in both ears i have 17 ear piercings 9 in my left ear and 8 in my right ear i did most of them myself...i also have my tongue and belly button to me the lip ring didnt hurt when i get it done but the next day it was sore and swelled...but its not that bad it depends on if you like use to it it doesnt hurt or bother me....but i did bite it a few times anf that hurts well if you have the stud...

    good luck

  7. uhm yeah it hurts.

    lips hurt because of all the nerves around ur lips are sensitive.

  8. If done profesionally

    it doesnt hurt at all!

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