
Does a maid of honor have to be a certian age? issue below please real advice?

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I choose my family member who is my niece she will be 17 1/2 and people are making feel bad about it? but i thought i was supposed to be the family member you feel closer to am i wrong? i feel closer to her then my sister is their an age limit?




  1. I answered a similar question regarding this issue earlier. The only consideration you may want to check is if she is legally able to sign as a witness to your wedding. Different jurisdictions have differing ages.

    Other than that I don't see a problem for you and wish you happiness with your new spouse.

  2. Typically the maid of honor is your closest friend or family member. There isn't really an age limit as far as bridesmaids and maid of honors go, but typically if they are younger than 15 they would be considered junior bridesmaids or junior maid of honor.

    I would say though that it is your day and you can select who you want to be in the bridal party and who you don't. If, however, your family is throwing a fit you may want to consider having two maids of honor or an honorary maid of honor. This would especially be good because the maid of honor roll is typically a pretty big one and I'm not sure if your niece could handle all the responsibility.

    Good luck and congratulations.

  3. Seventeen is old enough to serve as maid of honor. Depending on her, she may need help to organized a bridal shower for you. Maybe your Aunt can help her on what her duties will be. She should know how to be of assistance to you when you get dressed and throughout the wedding day.

    Since you are close to her, sit down with her and let her know what you are expecting her to do. And then figure out if she will need help from her mom or the other bridesmaids to carry out her tasks.

  4. Don't be silly, of course there's no age limit.

    When my aunt and uncle got married, the maid of honor was my aunt's cousin who was about that age. Anyone who says it should be someone older is being stupid; there are no rules, you can choose who you like.

    However, they probably wouldn't be able to be a witness.

  5. No, there isn't an age limit.  Maybe they think you should pick your sister instead...forget about it and do what you want.

  6. Usually the made of honor and best man are the 2 that sign the marriage licenses as witnesses. In most states they have to be 18 and over. Normally the maid of honor is the person you are closest to.. not necessarily a family member..but like a best friend or whomever you have the strongest relationship with.

  7. No, that's totally fine. You are right to choose someone closest in your heart.

    You would have to ask someone else over 18 to sign the document, though.

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