
Does a man enjoy cooking & cleaning for his wife?

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or he's actually terpaksa?

ladies & men..your views please...




  1. i adore man who helps his wife. seriously. not the terpaksa one la..

    they look very caring, concern and un-selfish..


    to all the man like the above.and to my dad.


  2. i oso dont like cook de.....

  3. Got people say when a man cooks you maggie mee and a fried egg, you have to be grateful because they rarely cook (and cook well). Don't know la... I see many great male cook around. Myself, I haven't found a man yet who cooks for me. Previous one didn't too. I can see my brother a lazy man to clean the house, so as my dad and my grandfather, didn't put much hope on it.

    But I enjoy cooking for him (my future bf kalo dpt cari la). So it doesn't matter.

  4. i could never do it as good as she could...TRUST ME..

  5. I am your slave.

  6. i cook but i dont like washing haha.. :p

  7. my bf is hopeless in cooking! only know how to fry egg, cook maggi mee, simple fried rice and boil water! i used to wash his clothes (he came to me with his large laundry bag once per week) but now he does by himself since he had to move to KL (managing KL branch, me @ HQ)..he said i do better. so far i'm fine with that since i love being in kitchen and enjoy playing with detergent and fabric softener.

  8. I used to live with my ex gf for 5 years and i used to do the cleaning and problem for me as long as she does the cooking.............

  9. yes, i do for my girl.

  10. only when i am hungry and she is resting....mee maggi jer lah....

    ...but last week i made a cake...sumpah!!!...the instant one,,,just pukul butter and egg and campur the readymade stuff...then put in tray and bakar in easy!!!!....

  11. translate from bean=

    =kami s**a masak when women datang moon(bulan) coz their mood very scary that period...

  12. This is a very individual question cos not all man are willing to do it.

    My 3 brothers are housekeepers. They are doing it because all my 3 sister-in-laws are all hopeless. Cannot even stack up the dishes after dinner <sigh>.


    Both my sister and my man are not like my brothers. They are very 'handicap' about cooking and cleaning in the household. My hubby has offered his service in the kitchen but has been refused by me for so many years cos everytime he complete the task, I will end up cleaning the WHOLE KITCHEN...

    I would say it boils down to individual brought up. And be glad that your other half loves you as what you are, and not trying to change you.


  13. I'm not quite sure what terpaksa means but I do enjoy cooking a meal once in a blue moon..

  14. Some do, some don't. Those who enjoy it love to see the smile on their wife's face and think it's worth the time and energy. As for those who don't it may be because they think that it's the wife's job in the first place

  15. my man... he likes to help around but i never want to let him go anywhere near the kitchen, coz everytime he does... its like an aftermath of a huge earthquake!--- he would flood the whole kitchen floor trying to wash 1 single plate! Main point here - even though he did it, and did it pretty regularly..... just for the sake of helping me out, my kitchen just never looked clean...

    ...just like he never wants me to clean his reading/pc room.

  16. I do cooking and cleaning, if it is required. Like my wife is busy with my kid. I learn cooking when I was study at university. Force by the environment. My only concern is for cleaning I can't reach the standard of my wife.  Over all I am happy to do it.


    Jeff, normally gal done better clearing job then guy.

    Right now I am out station. There is one gal, engineer also. She is a mess. She only clean her own room. So far my friend and I were clearing the house.

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