
Does a man get annoyed....

by  |  earlier

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when he has s*x with a female an he gives it to her so good that she begins contacting him frequently so she can get it like that again?? jus the contacting part annoying?




  1. no.

  2. I've never had that problem, but I wish I did

  3. Is a woman begging you for s*x annoying? hmm...


  4. Yes because she might not be the only woman he has relations like that with and if he's trying to move on then yea it would bug the mess out of him

  5. that would be a dream come true....

  6. i dont see why it would be as long as they dont bug the sh*t outta him

  7. When at work..... no

    During free time.....yes

  8. well, if he liked it just as much, i doubt it....but women tend to call men way too much...limit yourself to twice a day. If he doesnt call back, hes busy or not interested and you should leave him alone

  9. well it depends on how much you contact him ,listen to me if he had a good time he will be back for more

  10. personally not unless the girl calls way too much  

  11. that does nothing but boost our ego. i would flattered.

  12. Like a booty call?

    I think the man would be flattered, and if he felt like the girl gave it to him equally good he'd probably be responsive.

    As long as you didn't just lie there... you should be fine. :)

  13. I don't you like being stalked by someone who can't find anyone else to play with???

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