
Does a man have a right to participate in the decesion to becoming a parent?

by Guest32841  |  earlier

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Does a man lose all rights once his sperm is inside the body of a woman?

If so does a owman lose all rights over her egg if it is planted in a surrogate mother?

Why does a man have to pay for something he doesent want considering the fact that it was not rape but s*x with consent?




  1. The law does not give that right.

    Yes, its unjust, yes is a double standard. But there is no right in the law.

    As I see it, if a guy does not use a condom or pull out, he consents to having a baby. If a woman does not use any of the myriad forms of protection, she consents on having a baby. Unless any party is forced, each of them agreed to the act.

    So basically the problem is more of irresponsible people wanting to bail out of their responsibility. And government giving the woman a way of bailing out of her responsibility while forcing a man to follow his responsibility.

  2. he should but once a woman decides she wants to breed its h**l on the man til he gives in....Ive been in this conflict for close to 3 ebbs and flows but its a hard row to hoe.....

  3. If you are the husband of the woman who has become pregnant you have complete and total rights to help your wife decide whether to keep the child or not. Although i hate to tell you but, since it is inside her body, she has a little more power in the situation than you. If you really love each other though, you will respect each others decisions and support each other no matter what.

    If you are unmarried and each partner constented to s*x, then it is both your responsiblity if you end up pregnant. You really ddnt want a child, then you should have used a condom. Since you arent married, then it is totally the woman's choice on whether to keep the baby or not. If you are dating then you should really act like a married couple and decide together. But it still ultimately comes down to the womans choice.

    Dude seriously, this would be less complicated if you used a condom.

  4. Technically yes, if a woman's egg is within the surrogate mother, it is the surrogate mother that has legal priority over the baby even though it is theother woman's egg.

    When it comes to something that affects a persons body and it's within them then of course it's that persons issue.

    It's nothing to do with gender, but the persons body it's in.

    You have a problem with paying for a kid you don't want or you don't like abortion? I';ve got an idea that will change your life forever!!! All you have to do is talk to your partner about what may happen BEFORE you drop your pants. There I've solved everyone's problems.

  5. I think that if a woman gets pregnant, that the man has a right to participate in being a parent.

    A woman does not get pregnant on her own.  That child is just as much the father as it is the mother.  If a father wants to fight for his baby's life, I think that is completely honorable.

    And I am SICK of people bringing up "rape".   It is sick, because society pretty much blames the victim of rape, but then tries to USE it promote their beliefs.  Because it is easier for people to believe a women lied or somehow put herself in the situation, than to believe that crime was committed?  But then it is ok to kill your child if you were raped, not that anyone believes you.  I know not everyone reacts that way, but lets face it, we've got some problems in society.

  6. Wow, this is like asking "Who owns a baby before it's born?" The answer is no-one, it is the baby's right to live and if the parents can't handle it they shouldn't have bumped uglies in the first place.

  7. its 50/50. half of responsibility to the mom (egg) half to the dad (sperm). s*x takes two.

    if you're speaking of abortion, the man SHOULD pay for at least half. he doesn't HAVE to do anything and can be trifling but thats a different story. carrying a child to full term can be undesirable for some women so even though it should be a unanimous decision, ultimately she has the last word. it is her body, her health, her emotional state of mind.

  8. I do not agree with you Tracy M.  I have been pregnant and given birth 3 times, and even though I didn't have the best of pregnancies and didn't like the birthing experience, it was MY choice to carry those children to term.  If the men(first one by one man[baby put up for adoption], last two by my husband) that I had gotten pregnant with hadn't wanted to be fathers, I wouldn't have forced them to participate in their children's lives, financially or otherwise, because I could have chosen with out their say to not be a parent myself, and I wouldn't use the lame reason "because of 9 months... blah blah blah".  Our bodies are designed to carry the child, it isn't like we are doing something that is against our biology.  Now, if men could force women to stay pregnant and to keep the child, then yes, the men should be made to be parents, but as it stands, a man can't force a woman to be a parent, so why should the woman be able to force the man to be a parent?

  9. 'Does a man have a right to participate in the decesion to becoming a parent?'

    Yes, by using birth control. Biology put babies in women not men, which is why women get more control over the childbearing issue. Don't like it, take it up with your Creator entity of choice.

  10. Planting the egg in an another woman's body is not the same as planting the sperm in a womans body. We don't say that a man loses all rights. We only say we have the right to choose what we do.

    'Why does a man have to pay for something he doesent want considering the fact that it was not rape but s*x with consent?' ... huh? Because he doesnt carry the baby and go through the risks involved.

    ETA : 'what could be the reasons of going through such a pain especially if the man who got the woman pregnant does not want it?'

    The same reasons that make her go through such pain just because the man wants it.

    'Financial reasons' ? What are you insinuating ? If you want to drop your pants whenever you want to, but not take financial responsibilities later, then you should also be prepared to go to only places where you have to pay before you drop your pants.

  11. Men don't seem to understand the fact that the woman has to carry the child.  So IMHO, I feel that the woman should be able to choose whether or not she carries the child to term.  

    If the father doesn't want children, then he should have the right to sign away all rights and have no legal responsibility to the child...financially or regarding visitation.  Keep in mind that this decision is normally irreversible.

    If the father does want the child and the mother doesn't...I think it's only fair that mother bear the child and sign over her rights just as the father should have the option to do.  

    But what also needs to be taken into consideration is that if the mother doesn't feel comfortable being pregnant, or giving the child to the father, then I believe she still has the right to terminate her pregnancy.

    As far as a surrogate mother, as long as there legal precautions made such as a contract stating the terms of the pregnancy and such (don't have much legal expertise), then once conception of sperm and egg (so long as the egg does not belong to the surrogate), then I feel the surrogate should follow through on the pregnancy and give the child to the rightful parents (DNA doesn't lie) after child birth.  If she decides to keep the child, she should be able to fight the biological parents in court.  Although, I would favor the biological parents, considering the circumstances.

    This is all tricky when children are involved.

  12. If he wants to be a parent, then he should choose a woman that wants a child with him as well.  

    If he doesn't, then he should wear a condom.  It is not solely the female's responsibility to use birth control.

    Once the sperm implants in the egg the woman should be free to choose what she wants to do about it.

  13. I know. It is not fair. Fathers have no say yet they are the ones who are saddled for life with financial responsibilities while the mother very often tells the child his father wasn't interested and didn't want to see you. There are a very few attorneys who specialize in fathers rights and maybe you could seek them out ( if you are the one)  But the basic answer is always use 2 or 3 kinds of birth control to prevent conception in the first place since one is never enough.

  14. What I find most hypocritical is the women who argue... "I have a right to abort the child... Im the one that has to suffer the consequences of a baby"... and then when they chose to have the baby, they demand the man support the kid.  Men dont have the right to demand an abortion if they dont want to support the kid?  What can a man do to relinquish obligation?  Yes, he did have s*x with her... but she also had s*x with him... they both should suffer the consequences of new life. The choice to have s*x was mutual and consenting, the choice to abort should also be mutual and consenting.  It is no mare the mans fault than it was the womans.  Procreation is, after all, the natural consequence of sexual activity... and the "shock" that a pregnancy resulted should not be justification of having an abortion.  People who chose to have s*x should be taken as mature enough and responsible enough adults to be held accountable for those actions... if youre old enough to get pregnant and are thrown for a loop when a pregnancy happens, you really ought to be in a mental institution and not putting out.  Give me a break, a thirteen year old thats been putting out since she was eleven shouldnt still believe in the stork myth.  Its a nice and tidy arrangement women have with the legal system, isnt it?  Have your cake and eat it too.

    A man should have a right to his own flesh and blood.  I think any self-righteous egotistical woman who thinks their rights over my baby supersedes mine isnt worth dating or sticking it in in the first place

    Birth control should really be renamed to "conception control".  Calling birth control "birth control' kind of makes abortion sound justifiable as a form of birth control by creating a false sense of similarity between a condom and a coat hanger.  Failed conception control should not be an excuse to default to abortion as the next best thing.  If you dont want the kid, adopt it, dont abort it.  Why is surgery that kills a separate life placed in the same category as passively using products that prevent life?


    I really liked your example of egg-implantation and surrogate mothers... it makes a relatively good argument... but it has its flaws.

    Suppose, as a man, you signed a contract with a woman before having s*x with her... swearing under law that you will take responsibility for pregnancy... or that you wont.

    Surrogate mothers do sign formal legal contracts.  At least in the cases Ive heard about.  The surrogate promises to accept the egg and give the property back when shes done with the manufacturing process.


    littleviv2000... I agree with you.

    Its a matter of equal say and equal rights... no one should be more obligated or subjugated by legal policy than anyone else

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