
Does a man legally/morally have the right to hit a woman in means of self-defense?

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Or should he instead use a non-violent approach , such as pushing her away from him , or restraining her against the wall/floor until police arrive?




  1. Everybody has the right to defend one's self, if the lady needs a beat down to accomplish this then so what?  

  2. I think you try a less violent approach to stop her and wait for police. However is she gets too violent, I think you should try to use more strength.

  3. Yes, in any situation. Man rules all.  

  4. I think when it comes to women, men are in a constant state of self-defense.  You might be more specific.  

  5. some women are pretty violent so I won't hesitate to whap her. Of course, I'll give her several chances to back off but when its on, its ON

  6. No, just walk away and report her to the police. If you hit her, she will claim you did it first.

  7. Yes. Women are just as capable of inflicting harm on people as men. although strength is important we will all agree than women are not weaklings as evident by the numerous crime committed by women. Although the non-violent approach should be the first tactic employed, there are cases whereby one needs to protect themselves by all means necessary.

  8. Unless he wishes to spend some time in the Klinky and more time in court, he best have visible wounds (including defensive ones) if he chooses to hit her.

    Best action would be to "leave the battlefield".

  9. if a woman starts beating u up and/ or about to kill u , u have the right to hit her

  10. depends how big the girl is,  if she is small and skinny then try to hold her back, if she is 6'4 285, then try to run away and is she catches you then start swinging.

    if she is really hot then rip her shirt off that will stop her in her tracks.

  11. Pushing is considered violent. Anyway he SHOULD restrain her if possible, but he may need to hit her to get her restrained. Of course a man is legally allowed to defend himself. Doesn't matter who it is against, the other person changes what is considered self-defense.

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