
Does a man really have to either be cheating or have a fat partner to not want s*x??

by  |  earlier

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Whenever women ask why their men aren't up for s*x, people on here always say it;s because she's fat or he's getting it elsewhere. Or else he's g*y. Come on - are those REALLY the only reasons men wouldn't be up for s*x???




  1. No..  see what men dont want to admit to.. because well see it wouldnt be "manly" to do so , is that ALOT of men the older they get they cant keep up with s*x.. as much as they like to talk the talk with the guys they cant walk the walk.. most men hit their sexual peaks during their late teens and it continues over into their 20's .. then for alot of guys.. come their 30's on up their sexual drive tends to start dropping off.. doesnt mean they dont want s*x, but their "equipment" doesnt function so hot as it use to. (issues getting it up, issues with stanima, issues with desire for s*x etc). also their lifestyle has alot to do with it.. whats their diet? do they smoke? are they physically fit? do they drink alot of caffine? etc etc.. the older a man gets they tend to not produce as much testosterone as they did when they were younger and well the more that decreases the less the "need" for s*x becomes.


  2. Europe, for some men if the s*x is predictable then the urge slowly falls off and then boredom comes in.  Most men want to make love and not just have s*x.  Making love takes more thoughts and emotions than just having s*x.  s*x is having intercourse and anyone can do just that.  

  3. Not always but I have spoken to a lot of guys who say they were turned off when their partner let themselves go.  8 out of 10 guys I know divorcing come up with this.  If the guy has not let himself go the women shouldn't either.

    I find married women think 'ring on finger' means they can just let themselves go then they are upset when the bloke plays away.

  4. Slip him some Viagra! Then sit back and enjoy!!

  5. Yup, that`s about all I can think of...

  6. No, those are not the only reasons why men are not up for s*x, there could be other reasons why they are not up for se*, could be a physical problem or another medical condition.

    Some people on here just want to be sarcastic and not really want to help the person who came to Y.A. to get some real answers.

    If they want to be sarcastic, they should go to another place to vent, Lord only knows there are tons of sites on the World Wide Web to do that, now, don't we???

    These are real people with real problems who come here for real help, not for sarcastic answers.

  7. No, they aren't the only reasons. Sometimes it has to do with getting into a routine with work and life in general. My husband and I have s*x, but you definitely don't have it as much as we did when we were dating. Is he cheating? God no. But the fact that I'm pregnant has something to do with it it. And I'm not fat either. Most of the people who answer that way have either been cheated on in the past or they've never been married.

  8. He could have medical issues....or the superbowl could be on tv.  

  9. That is because most of the people on Yahoo answers, are either in school or in their middle twenties.  They have no experience in the matters of raising children and dealing with the stresses of life in general.  You will find a group of older more experienced answers, you just have to weed your way through the BS.

    To answer you question, there is a lot of reasons that life gets in the way of having s*x with your spouse.  Stress of work, kids not wanting to settle down and go to sleep, just so tired that you can not work up the effort to please yourself let alone your spouse.  

    Thanks for asking a mature question.

  10. From my experience women seem to get really hurt if their guy turns them down for s*x even once. Guys get turned down for s*x just about as often as we get it and we have to just shrug it off. Why cant a guy be not in the mood once in a while too? Does that mean hes g*y or less of a man because hes stressed out or tired? I Have to admit I am ready to go 95% of the time though! ;-P

  11. There could be a medical reason for a man to not want to have s*x. He could have low testosterone levels. It is something that each guy should get check when they go in for blood work. If it is really low he could be a candidate for Hormone replacement.

  12. No.  In Jerry Seinfeld's biography he talks about himself in this regard.  He says he just has a really high ability to keep his mind off of it.  He says that people have made g*y jokes about him, celibacy, etc.

  13. yes sometimes there are just plain tired. x

  14. Not a guy but I've known a few the answer is yes!

  15. No, those aren't the only reasons.  Depression, anxiety, stress, erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and exhaustion are a few reasons that might lead a man to have a decreased libido.  Of course, age can be a factor.  It's really uncommon for a man with no underlying mental or physical health issues to not want s*x unless one of the things you've mentioned is happening.  I think that there are just lots of people who have been jilted in the past and assume the worst because it happened to them.

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