
Does a mayor have to disclose info to the FBI?

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If the FBI were to ask a Mayor about the people who works for him, and who is getting paid by him on a payroll. Does the Mayor HAVE to give info to the FBI? Can anyone give me a source with an actual law that says anything about this?




  1. Yes. A local politician has no right to withhold information from a federal agent... Nor any law enforcement agency for that matter.

  2. yes or wait until he or she receives a subpoena. Most often the corporation council will ask to see a draft of the questions to be put forward to the mayor, out of courtesy and respect and the bureau will comply. The mayor must not lie in giving any deposition.

  3. The FBI can subpoena information in records and it must be disclosed.  Failure to honor a valid subpoena is a separate crime.  The usual result, however, is to obtain a search warrant and simply seize the records.  If the info sought is not in records, but in the mind of the mayor, it depends.  If the mayor thinks giving up the info is incriminating he can refuse.  if he just doesn't wish to, he need not.  However, he can then be hailed before a grand jury where he cannot refuse unless the info will incriminate him.  So, in a round about way, the answer is yes.

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