
Does a non-vegetarian lives longer than a vegetarian ?

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Does a non-vegetarian lives longer than a vegetarian ?




  1. No, it's actually the other way around.

  2. About the same.

  3. Some do some do not.

  4. veggies live longer.GO long live the VEGGIES

  5. Vegetarians live,on average,6 to 10 years longer than meat-eaters

  6. I don't know, give me the name of a dead vegetarian and a dead non-vegetarian celebrity. Then I will tell you which lived longer.

    I'm pretty sure that if I keep playing that game, I will get different results.

    Being vegetarian doesn't make you live longer.

    Eating meat won't make you live longer.

    Eating a balanced and varied diet and staying fit MAY allow you to live longer.

  7. As long as you eat protien and other nutrtional things that meat provides and stay away from the samanilla outbreaks, you CAN outlive the meatheads!

    PS- will make you so veggie dude..... i didn't even finish the video and i turned veggie~~

  8. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    You can't predict how long somebody is going to live. There aren't any guarantees in life.

    My wife's family are mostly vegetarians (from India). Her mother is 86. Her grandfather lived to be 96 (and he still enjoyed getting drunk). There are several vegetarian aunts and uncles who are in their 80s. One cousin died of a brain tumor at 65, but his mother is still around and she must be 80 something. My wife's father ate meat and he died of a heart attack when he was about 55. He also had a stroke before that. The religious leader that my wife's family follows is going be 90 this year; he is a vegan since he gave up dairy products a few years ago.

    I am the only person in my family who doesn't eat meat. My father is 81. My mother died at 68. One older sister of my father lived to be 87 or 88. Another sister died at 79 and she was still smoking. My father's younger brother died when he was about 67. His daughter had already died in a car crash. My great great grand mother lived into her 90s; but I can't recall anyone else in my family who lived that long.

    There are just too many variables like heredity, personal habits, infectious diseases, accidents, and so on.

  9. It is impossible to generalise and say that non-vegetarians live longer or vegetarians live longer.  For a start, what sort of vegetarianism are you talking about? There are so many different types, lacto, ovolacto, vegan... the list goes on.  But lets not get into that discussion!

    What can be definitively said is that people who eat a balanced healthy diet live longer than those who eat an unbalanced unhealthy diet.  And yes it is completely possible for vegetarians to have an unhealthy diet - a vegetarian friend of mine was 40 kilos overweight and lived on pasta, cheese and desserts!  

    Vegetarians for example do need to think about their eating a bit more in some ways than meat eaters, to ensure that they are getting enough iron and B12 in their diets.  Meat eaters for example do need to think about their eating to ensure that they are eating enough fibre.  

    Both dietary habits can be healthy or unhealthy, it depends how YOU live them.

  10. i would say the same

  11. no you have a shorter life span hello look at asia and specifically the japanese longest living people in the world and they hardly eat meat even though they eat seafood thats better then eating meat which is link to cancer ..............

  12. There's no proof that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters being a vegetarian doesn't mean you will live to be 100. Not that i would want to live to 100 eating just veggies & lentils.

  13. veggies live longer because they do not eat other living things which aren't as healthy as vegetables.there are lots of other facts of why veggies live longer than non-veggies but my hands will be tired of typing. even though i am saying that veggies live longer, that doesn't mean that they won't die at about the same time. a veg would probably live 5 years longer for my educational guess. but if a veg gets some type of disease at a young age or not so old adult age then that is a different concept. of coarse there will be allways be exceptions to this fact. although i was a non-veg, reading this fact in my science book made me swich a month later. i still do crave meat and seafood though.

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