
Does a paperless society scare you where all value is put in just imaginary digits?

by Guest60066  |  earlier

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Personally, I don't think it is a great idea because there is nothing to back up those digits. All someone has to do is get a hold of your number and all your worth can be deleted with a stroke of a button. You just can't undue that sort of damage overnight and your record can be damaged perminatly. If your card is stolen or lost it could mean your whole lively hood can be destroyed. What are your thoughts of a paperless society?




  1. I love paper! Paper helps us a lot in life. However, I just don't know why people waste them ! I have a friend who throws away all her rough paper and told me that she will only use good branded paper to print and write.She does not use a little bit of crumpled paper. She does not use the exercise books we used in tuition and she used her, high-class jotter book. Teacher didn't say anything. I once saw my brother tearing paper form the leaflet board and after that, made an air-plane and threw it away in the rubbish bin and rushed off. Also, I can't believe what I saw! A girl about 9 years old was at a ssupermarket throwing all the papercups away in the bin! I WISH THESE PEOPLE WILL LOVE PAPER!

    Bunnie Bones ( a paper lover)

  2. Sweet Viv icog, I totaly agree with your thoughts.Bad people,aka. crooks are not all stupid, just evil hearted !

  3. I do not like it as well but I have come to like it more because all it is is change and we have to just learn from it

    but one wrong key stroke and all of the information is LOST on a computer and they can fill it with anything they want also

  4. I don't think I would be SCARED, paper replaced the cave's walls, wood, stone. Perhaps it will be a day that digital memory devices will totally replace paper. The mankind will get used to that, don't worry.

  5. I wouldnt say "Scare" but I would say it certainly disturbs me.

    This age will not last forever. Im not talking religion i am talking fact. Someday this age will end in some way or another. When that happens massive amount of our culture, learning, and science will be lost.

    all becuase we never wrote anything down.

  6. The unrighteous "dominion" of these people is what scares me!

    the righteousness of Gods kingdom says you can buy bread without money. but the bible says you do not eat if you do not work.

    in the kingdom of God, we are promised Food Clothing and Housing. While some are given crowns to rule over ten cities and some others 5 cities, others are unfaithful and their cities are taken away and given to the one with ten.

    in the righteousness of God therefore NOT all people will be given mansions. but that is a promise to some extent. Some people might liven in apartments and others in homes, but it is according to righteousness and rewards.

  7. History must be kept on record, for future generations. Just as the Constitution was written on paper, among other historical documents, this time should be as well. Computers, cards, etc., are not 100% reliable. It doesn't scare me exactly, but it is cause for worry. :)

  8. We lived without this system  from the begining of time. Why should it be changed now. The old saying is'" If it aint broken, don't fix it".

  9. The paper records can be just as easily destroyed with a flick of a match though.  With the expanding technology they have extremely secure and reliable ways to back up data.  I think a paperless society will be better for the environment because we can save some trees by not using as much paper.

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