
Does a parrotlet's cage need a grate?

by  |  earlier

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do you have to have a grate or is it prefered to have one, so the parrotlet doesnt go through his own f***s.




  1. I have grates in all my p'lets cages...this is because p'lets love to hang out on the bottoms of their cages and they will shred and chew up what ever is on the bottom. So if their is old food down their I'd rather them not get to it. I clean their cages every other day, so it probably wouldn't be a problem. But I also use news paper for the breeder p'lets cages, and I don't want them chewing on that, some of the colored dyes could be harmful to them. I think you'd be safer using a grate...just because it would be less messy!

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