
Does a person drinking and smoking a lot- turn you, away from liking that person, even if they are nice/cute?

by  |  earlier

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like they are like you- similar- like good hearted and stuff- they just drink and smoke a lot- get wasted a lot- and party a lot!




  1. Honestly, I don't like smoking or drinking so I wouldn't date anyone who does those things even if they were nice or cute.

  2. smoking is not attractive. I am ok with drinking and partying it up. I mean, come on you have to have fun! haha. So no, because most young people drink anyways. But to me smoking is so unattractive, so I wouldn't like a guy that smokes. Once in a while smoking is ok, but not everyday, if he relies on it, don't go for him.

  3. it all depends on how much i like the guy.

  4. Anything that's excessive is bad. The quantity whether too much or a-lot-of is relative or subjective but in any case, what should really matter is the kind of person he/she is made of.

  5. Yes it does. I can't be with someone who isn't themselves more often then not.

  6. my bf smokes all the time and drinks now and then (but he is 21) and i am still extremely happy to b with him. If you really do like the person, i think it is extremely easy to look past the fact they drink or smoke.

  7. yes

    my old crush dipped and that was such a HUGE  turn off

  8. smoking is a defient turn off i don't care how cute i don't date smokers or alcoholics

  9. depends on how much they drink the party as long as i can come but the smoking is the turn off. I'm a protective type

  10. id say yes. i do drink at times but i cant take the smoking

    part. it will give me sinusitis and i just cant bare with that.

    it's too unhealthy.

  11. No 'cos I drink and smoke so..

    4-5 f**s a day is nothing and if he only drinks on weekends then it's not that big of a deal?!

  12. For the smoking it's a yes, but if he drinks only socially then that's fine because I'm sure everyone drinks socially.

    Hope this answers your question:)

  13. Honestly, I don't like smokers, but if they have a good heart, then they have a good heart right?

    If they tried quitting just for me, I'd be very happy!

    And for drinkers, social drinkers I'm okay with, but if they're an alcoholic then no..

  14. Of course! Just think about it......stank breath, nasty teeth, health problems, and more. I wouldnt go out with anyone who drinks or smokes

  15. if my bf drank & smoked i would dump him the second i found out.

  16. definatly. i hate it. and im young soo like definatly a turn off. its gross. and stupid so yea

  17. actually i like it when guys do, there funner to be around, and more out going  

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