
Does a person have a soul when they are a single cell for 1/2 an hour in the womb, when do you get your soul?

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that is, if you believe in having a soul of coarse.




  1. I know. I wondered that too... Like IVF. They make lots of embrios, and not all of them take, or are used... Do thye have souls when a doctor puts them together in a lab?  

  2. Thats something only God can answer.   would you rather err on the safe side, or just kill without thought?

  3. God breathes a soul into a child with its first breath.


  4. For those of us who believe in God, we also believe that the soul (spirit) is that part of a human being that God himself adds to the physical mix. The soul is not physical, does not have mass or substance in this world. Our faith teaches us that God knew us even before we were made so it stands to reason that the soul (spirit) was alive before the physical body became a reality. I equate the spirit as being that part of us that sets off that tiny spark that begins the moment egg and sperm unite. It is the part that gives life.

    Personally, I also believe that animals have a spirit as well, but that the intellectual part of the creature itself has not reached the plane where it was capable of more than an instinctive acceptance of themselves. The spirit is the life force that lives within each of us. And for man, being that most of us have the intellectual ability to know God, the spirit also acts as the string that ties us to God, whether or not we acknowledge it. It is the means that we and God use to communicate with one another.

  5. jesus gives you a soul at your first breath of air...

    if a soul is given at conception, what's the point of spontaneous abortions?

  6. When your born!

  7. What is this "soul" of which you speak?

  8. at conception

  9. I'm not spiritual, even in the slightest.  So, I don't believe ANYONE has a soul.  We all have brains, which control our beliefs, behaviors, and intelligence which in turn, causes some people to perceive that their bodies are possessed by some kind of soul.

    Regardless, the whole argument seems nebulous to me because I just can't believe this kind of stuff.

  10. A soul develops with consciousness of memories.  Until the brain circuitry is formed in the fetus, they don't have one.

  11. at conception.

  12. At the moment of conception a child gets their soul.

    God Bless

  13. I personally believe a child gets its soul when the umbilical cord is cut as that is the first time he/she is fully independent in the world.

    Alternatively souls don't exist and we are just advanced chemical entities and when we finally expire we just enter the void???

    To be really honest who really knows only God can answer these kinda questions.

  14. you pick it up when you ride on the soul train

  15. The "soul" is a man-made term to explain human consciousness.

  16. The bottomline Jewish answer -- the answer is unknownable.

    It may come in during conception, however it may also come in during 2nd trimester, or with the first breath, or with the first words...according to different sages.

    It is my personal experience that it comes in during 2nd trimester.  I could not image my 2nd niece when my sister was pregnant.  Couldn't, couldn't couldn't.  Neither could my mom.  Then one day in near start of 2nd trimester I got a vivid image of her (next to her sister).  Around then my mom suddenly got comfortable too.  It wouldn't have meant much, except 6 or so months after she was born I went to leave the house, turned back to wave hi, and saw the same image I'd seen with them both.  Got chills.  So, that's my piece of evidence.

    However, when does it come in?  That's unknowable.  Maybe it varies from child to child.

  17. In my tradition a person doesn't have a soul until they are given a name.

  18. No its at conception if you believe in god.

  19. Jeremiah 1:5

    King James Version

    Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

  20. Although many believe that the Bible teaches that the soul is associated with the very first cell of a unique new individual, I must say that I can't find a scripture which unambiguously says that. Yes, there are scriptures which may it clear that a new human in the womb has a soul and great worth before God, but I personally can't point to any scripture which says exactly WHEN a new soul is associated with that new human (according to the Bible) -- although I can't say that I've had opportunity to sit down and do careful exegesis of every relevant passage.  (And when people tell me they HAVE, and I ask them to send me what they found, they simply send me a scripture where the passage states that the soul is present before birth. That is all well and good -- but gestation last 9 months and that still leaves a lot of leeway for a specific moment when the soul is "imparted.")

    So while simply stating that I don't have a good answer for this question, I'm very interested in hearing from someone who does.  If you have a definitive answer for this one, please answer with scriptural citations and as much detail as possible.  This is an excellent question.

  21. Don't believe, and you would get it (if I believed) at birth.

  22. The Church teaches that this occurs at the exact instant of conception.  As soon as the two cells merge the person is imbued with a soul.  Yes, of course I believe in the human soul.


  23. I believe that a new soul begins at fertilization - as early as the first femto-second.

  24. I don't believe in souls, but conception seems the strangest and most problematic of all places to insert one.

    Would a person with Chimerism have two souls? What about identical twins? Were their two souls given upon conception before the split?

    What about conjoined twins? Two souls if doctor's can separate them, and one soul if they can't? That would be ludicrous, as it would imply that the number of souls handed out is directly dependent upon human medical technology.

    How about ectopic pregnancies? Or what if the woman is on birth control (most forms do not prevent fertilization, but prevent implantation)? What about natural miscarriages? All of those situations had a soul handed out...for what purpose?

  25. It's a made up concept.

    Do monozygotic twins share one half of a soul (one embryo splitting into two)? Do intersexed people have two souls (two embryos fusing together)? Where does the soul come from? When EXACTLY and how does it enter the embryo(s)? Where is it in a person? If souls only exist in humans, when in our evolutionary past did it first come about, how, and what was the advantage of it? Why only humans and not other apes or animals? Where's the evidence for any of this?

  26. When you get your first pair of shoes.

  27. Aristotle says at quickening (the feelings of first movement in the womb).

    Catholics and Baptists say at conception.

    Atheists say never.

    And, then there are a lot of confused people out there that believe whatever is convenient.

    Personally, I have seen children live full lives that were barely 6 months along in the pregnancy when they were delivered.  It is hard to look on that precious child and think they don't have a soul.

  28. Souls ain't real.

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