
Does a person weigh more at either the north pole or the south pole than at the equator?

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Does a person weigh more at either the north pole or the south pole than at the equator?




  1. There are two things for any object. One is its mass. It will not vary where ever you are in the universe. But the weight differs according the gravitational force acting on it. The north and south poles are near to center of earth. Therefore your weight will be more.If you are in moon your weight will be much less.

  2. You weigh about 2 pounds less at the equator than the poles.  Why?  Because weight is relative to gravitational attraction.  The distance at the poles to the earth center is less than that at the equator. The earth is not a perfect sphere but like a pumpkin or a squished ball.

  3. The earth is spinning so there is more centripetal acceleration near the equator of the earth than the north/south poles..  If you live on the equator you weigh less than someone who lives on the north/south pole because there is more centripetal acceleration away from earth?  The oblateness of the Earth contributes, too.

    You would weigh about 0.5% more at either of the poles.

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