
Does a persons auto insurance have to pay my medical bills within a certain time frame once medically released

by  |  earlier

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I was with a passenger of a church vehilcle,they vehicle I was in was struck by another car I now I have Tinntiis and Scaitica in my left leg.I have been treated and medically released ,the insurance company has been trying to get me to take $1,000 dollars .

They said they would pay my medical bills how long can they take to pay my bills it sucks having people send letters to your house for debts?




  1. They will not pay the bills until the claim is settled with you. It is settled all at once they will not pay bits and pieces here and there.

  2. If you are presenting a liability claim - they will not pay your bills until you have agreed on a settlement and sign a final release.

    They are not health insurance and do not act like health insurance. They do not pay medical bills as they are received.

    I have been an adjuster 12 years and have never known an mva to cause tinnitus (ringing in ears) - even very severe collisions with head trauma.  You're gonna have a real hard time getting that boat to float.

  3. You might want to talk with an attorney

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