
Does a pilot's salary get resetted?

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What I'm trying to ask is does a FO working at Continental getting 8 year pay has to downgrade to 1 year Captain pay when he gets promoted.




  1. If you want a pay raise, go to europe.

  2. Yes, Check out

    great website

  3. No. The years listed in the pay scale are for years with the company. An eight yr. FO upgrading to CAP would be paid as an eight yr CAP. At least that's the way Continental does it.

    Realistically there is no such thing as a one year Captain or even a two or three or five because of the seniority thing. There is however a Captain who has been flying as a Captain for one,two or three years, etc. There is a big difference.

    For those above who answered take a look at if you don't believe. Why would anyone upgrade to Captain and go down to $31/hour pay?

  4. Yes, and also Captains that fly for commuters say for Mesaba that go over to Northwest to fly larger aircraft start out as an FO and take a pay cut, and also get put on reserve. Thats why its not uncommon for pilots to fly captain for commuters for years. They have first bid on schedules, and higher pay than  if they "upgraded" to fly for the majors.

    Also sometimes when airlines merge, the pilot senoirty can and sometimes get reset, and the senior pilots for the merging airlines get bumped down, this resentment is still present from the Republic /Nortwest merger and others..

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