
Does a pilot cadetship ensure a job with major airlines?

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Does a pilot cadetship ensure a job with major airlines?




  1. no training program will ever ensure employment with one of the majors ... regional at best

  2. This question can have different answers depending on your nationality and the particular airline that you are applying for.

    In different countries, mostly in the Middle East and Asia, major airlines do have Cadet Programs. For example:

    These programs are extremely competitive to be accepted to and usually require candidates to be citizens of the airline's home country, secondary or post secondary school graduates, under a certain age and medically fit.

    Once you get accepted, from what I can tell, no airlines guarentee employment. There is still the possibility that you could fail out of training or there will be an economic downturn and the airline finds it no longer needs your services. That being said, if an airline has invested a substantial amount of money to train you, they would very much like to use your services and get a return on their investment.

    When looking for cadet programs, start by looking at to see what airlines there are in your country. From there, look at the career sections in the airline's individual website for information. Also, may have some information regarding cadet programs.

    Although landing a cadet postion gives a pretty safe bet that you'll end up flying for that airline, just remember that no matter what you're doing, nothing in aviation is ever 'guaranteed' - Things can, and do, change very quickly.

    Good Luck!

    James Ball

    Author of "So, You Want to be a Pilot, Eh?"

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