
Does a pilot really need a hsc?

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hi i've been thinking...does a airline pilot really need a hsc...cause if you think about it..its all about the flying exprience...flght really do you need a hsc to become a airline pilot




  1. Ok, I really thought about it. Thought about if for the last forty years or so. And you're dead wrong. Its not all about the flying experience....flight yeah, get some education.

  2. 99 percent of all hiring by airlines and major corporate aviation operations is of college graduates.

  3. hsc?  No.  

    High school certificate?  Yes.  

    It isn't "all about the flight time."  It's about life experience, education, knowledge, intelligence, group work, flight experience, verbal skills, judgment, coordination, and maturity.

  4. Not really, The reason degrees are "preferred" is partly because the employer wants to see that you have demonstrated that one you are trainable, that you are able to learn, and two that you can complete something that you start. They will invest a lot of money in your training. The other part of the equation comes into it just to weed out the applicants. Say an airline has an opening for 5 pilots and they receive 10,000 applications (it happens) how do you narrow it down to a smaller number? Well you start with all the applicants that have a 4 yr. college degree, if that is still to high of number you look at only MBA degrees. Then you require 5000 hrs TT flying pilot-in-command, 1000 hrs. in jets and so forth to get the highest qualified pilot. So you really don't need a degree to be a pilot but the airlines are not even going to look at you when there are so many other highly qualified people applying for the same job.

    So if you feel like the airlines are going to be begging people to fly their planes in the future and no body will want to fly them, then drop out of school and just concentrate on your flying skills. That is going to be an awful large amount of money you are betting on that few pilots will be available in the future. I would suggest if you want to make it a career you stay fit and healthy have all the education you can get and get your ATP rating with many hours of experience.

  5. wtf is a hsc?

    It shows maturity and that u r capable in other stuff 2

  6. yes you do

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