
Does a pilots seat stay attached to him after ejection or do pilot and seat stay attached for parachute landin

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  1. It separates from the pilot after the ejection.

  2. They're attached to it during ejection but seperates when the pilot opens the parachute

  3. the pilot seat and pilot diverge after a time delay

    so you do not land ttached to the seat

  4. In early ejection systems (ones that rocketed you out, not a manual "bail") the pilots would get launchedc by themselves. However the pure force of the ejection rockets would make their limbs flail about so much that they would often have to get them amputated afterwards. So modern day ejection seats stay with the pilot, and strap their arms in to keep that from happening

  5. The pilot ejects in the seat and the seat is what contains the device to eject the pilot. Once the pilot has ejected the seat falls away for an easier landing for the pilot

  6. Depends on the ejection system.  On a Martin/Baker seat the pilot is attached to the seat for high-speed ejections.  On F-111 the pilots stay in the cockpit and the whole capsule is blown off the airframe.

    Fighter pilots cannot survive high-speed ejections without the seat holding their arm and feet in close until the seat slow down then they separate.

  7. most seats from Russia do separate from the pilot, too.

    it is because of the lack of shock absorber equipment that would provide decent landing.

    try to google up the video of russian disply pilot called Mr. Kvotchur. he ejected following the loss of engine to land on the parachute in seven seconds from the moment canopy went away, give or take two seconds. with open parachute, of course. unharmed.

    edit > i originally messed two incidents together.. now it is corrected Kvotchur ejected following engine trouble...

    in Fairford 1993 two other russian pilots flying mig 29 collided in the midair, ejected. anyway their videos are not that striking display of ejection seats.

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