
Does a pitched roof collect more water?

by  |  earlier

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If you have two rooves, both 15x15m, next to eachother (so therefore recieving identical amount of rainfall), one with a pitched roof and one with a flat roof, will either recieve more rainfall?

To settle an argument :) Thanks!




  1. the pitched cause of its angle

  2. The question is a little ambiguous. If you mean the pitched roof has a total surface area of 15x15m, then it will collect less rainwater than a flat roof also with a surface area of 15x15m, simply because less is exposed to the vertically-falling rain (if the whole roof was pitched at a 45 degree angle, the area of rain it is exposed to would actually be 15x10.6m). If you mean you have a flat roof and a pitched roof covering an area of 15x15m (i.e. a building of that size), then they will collect the same amount of rainwater, because the same amount of rain falls in a 15x15m area regardless of what shape the roof is.

  3. You didnt tell us at what angle the rain was falling. If it is straight down then the flat roof  will collect more. If it is at an angle then the flat roof will still collect more. Look at the area exposed to the rain and not the area of the roof it'self/

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