
Does a porcupine pee out of its butt?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No.... they have genitals, just like any other mammal.

    They give birth to live young...  

    Adults are promiscuous and have s*x for the pleasure of it... [and I'm sure they are careful and very reserved in the act...] The young nurse the female for weeks , and are weaned after a few weeks of parental nurturing...

      The young are then led out into the terrains they were born in and abandoned by the female to make there own way in the world.

  2. Do you?

    Porcupines urinate through their urethra, just like humans, and defecate through their a**s.

  3. yeah what Leolupus said.

  4. no idea but let me know when you get an answer Id like to know =) their interesting little critters! lol take care.

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