
Does a pregnant teen have to leave school? For how long?

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One of my friends from school is pregnant. (5 months or somewhere near there) and she was talking about how she doesnt have to miss any school really, just a couple of weeks for when the baby is born. I was kinda pissed seems like she should miss more, right? Or is every school different...?




  1. As long as her health is good she is fine to stay in school, to be honest she should truck through without any absences till that baby comes because they'll hold it against her, excused or not. She'll be out for a bit after she has the baby but not that long, just about 6 weeks or so depending on if she is healthy and ready.

  2. Catholic schools will not allow them to attend.  

    Public schools should follow the same policy.. It  distracts the rest of the school.

    I went to public school and a few girls were pregnant and they left school before they got really big.  I remember the whole school talking about them daily.  It was a huge distraction. Our public schools will not allow a child to attend with dyed hair , so why should a school allow a huge pregnant bellied teen in.   They need to have special schools for them to attend.

  3. A friend of mine was still in school when she had her first child. She left for the length of a normal maternity leave from work, and then was back. Most schools will work with the teens fo that they can come back to school, and catch up quickly. Some even provide daycare now.

  4. my cousin had a baby this year but she went to catholic school and she had to leave when she started showing but she just transferred to another school for pregnant teens and still followed the same curriculum as her school, it was pretty much like a private tutor because there was only like 3 other girls there and they were all in different grades from different schools and then she had to pass her finals and now she can go back to school in august

  5. why should she have to miss more school? Yah she made a huge mistake and its bad that shes pregnant. But if she misses too much school then neither she or her child is going to have much of a future.  I dont understand why you think that she should have to miss more school but i guess its just your personal opinion.

  6. I know at my school that You stay all the way up until you go into labor. Then you come back a few weeks after they have the baby. I personally like that Idea So the student gets as much learning and stuff until she leaves. Im not really sure why your pissed off though... But hey Every school district is different

  7. No she shouldn't have to leave school...

    she's right just for a few weeks after the baby is born,

    why are u pissed, what because she's pregnant she's not entitled to learn anymore, at least she's staying in school many teens who get pregnant don't.

  8. well how much school do you want her to miss. if she misses to much she will be to far behind to catch up.

    its going to be really hard for her if she decides to go back to school she is going to have school work go home take care of her baby stay up all night feeding then do it all over again the next day. if she misses to much school she might not ever catch up

  9. She should go to a school where they allow you to bring your child. I saw it on the news but she'd have to look it up.

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