
Does a principal or assistant principal have the right to search a teacher's purse or briefcase?

by  |  earlier

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An assistant principal lured me out of my classroom at the end of one period, slipped into the room while the guidance counselor kept me busy at the front of the school, locked the classroom door and searched my purse, briefcase, and a box. Teachers and students were looking in the window of the classroom door and saw him but did not know why he was searching. An hour later he called me to the office and asked me if I had "anything on campus I'm not allowed to have." I said "not that I am aware of". I was told a week later by District personnel that the ***. Principal claims another teacher says I told her I had brought a gun to school. They have, in six months, refused to tell me who this mystery teacher is. (I never told anyone any such thing!)




  1. I am not sure. I know they can search students lockers and backpacks, but I would have thought he would have at least discussed it with you first and asked permission.

  2. Absolutely not!

  3. That sure sounds like a violation of your rights to me.

    I would contact the union or an attorney.

    Last i heard, folks cant be searching you unless they are law enforcement officers with probable cause or a warrant.

    I would also most certainly be looking for another school district to work for...these folks sound rather "n**i-ish".

    now playing:sound system - operation ivy

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