
Does a private citizen have a right to drive around with a large anti-Illegal immigration sign?

by Guest66756  |  earlier

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The sign says, "Build the wall, deport them all."

Has this guy gone too far or it this just an expression of free speech?




  1. No he has not.

    There is a guy in Iraq doing the same thing.

    He wants all those foreign British and American soldiers to leave his country.

    They are all illegals as none of them have a visa to be in that country.

    Oh by the way, some solldier got angry when he saw it and blew the guy away.

  2. this guy is a low life *****!! that he has to do this kind of thing in order to get attention! I feel so sorry for him because he has no life and he really need one!!

  3. 1st Amendment gives him the right to display the sign.

  4. Hey if the fricking endowment for the arts can fund a guy who puts down a large American flag where it has to be walked upon to see his art exhibit of a rosary in a jar of his urine then this is not a problem at all.

    It does not even come close to Objectionable Speech.

  5. This is America where liberals, very publicly, call our President a liar and a criminal and stupid and all kinds of rude immature and subjective drivel EVERYDAY! Have you ever watched Steve Overbite and Chris "I get tingles up my legs when I see Barack Obama.. OHHHHH... AHHHHH" on MSNBC. I can't imagine anyone infringing on MSNBC's free speech anymore than a person who opposes illegal immigration or the almost pornographic moaning we must endure from Chris Matthews. I hope Barack and Chris never find themselves alone in a mens bathroom... for Barack's sake! I  wonder how wide a stance Chris Matthews takes?  BUILD THE WALL and DEPORT THEM ALL! LOL! The slogan is kinda clever isn't it? He should have no problem with his sign unless he tries to disturb the peace at a Barack Obama or John McCain rally or something like that.

  6. He's entitled to express his point of view, pointless and unrealistic as it may be.

  7. Well I don't feel I should have to press anything for English.

    And just like I have seen the flag of Mexico being flown, I do believe this guy has the right to express his views,

    After all this is America. The best part of the whole deal is that his name is Rodriquez...Now I can really appreciate that.


    Where can I get a sign like that? Sign me up.

  8. He has every right under the first amendment.  However, some cry baby will be "terrorized" by the bumper sticker, call the ACLU, call the police, and call their psychiatrist..  The police will arrest the owner of the vehicle for domestic terrorism, the ACLU will sue the owner in court and award crybaby a million dollars for having his mind damaged, and psychiatrist will supply the Prozac to the poor offended crybaby.  The driver will be ordered to ten years in prison.  That's what happens when you get your Constitutional rights stripped away.  So who will you vote for in November?  Obviously not socialist Obama.  Not open border McCain.

    Try writing in Ron Paul's name or voting Libertarian for a change.  Save our Country and your rights.

  9. The guys a Saint! In the news clip  they actually say hes deterring people from hiring illegals!

  10. Yes, it is part of freedom of speech.

    Even though the liberals would call him a "bigot" for it, and try to get that freedom removed.

  11. Free speech.  His sign has no hate speech or anything illegal on it, so it is his First Amendment right to have that sign.

  12. He's well within his 1st amendment right to haul his sign around. More people should do these types of things.

  13. Yes because it's considered freedom of speech or expression.  As long as you don't use profanity on the sign or are being threatening, you should be fine.

  14. Illegal immigration is a concern that should be addressed by the police and the government. Do you really need to stoke up hatred of other people by making bumper stickers about how much you hate them? Do you? "Build the Wall, deport them all" sounds like a slogan they used in the Polish Jewish ghettos during the n**i occupation.

    Freedom of speech is a right, and taking the consequences of inciting hatred is a requirement of that right. Not a lot of Americans seem to understand that simple concept.

  15. Free Speech -- protected by the 1st Amendment!

  16. He has every right!

    Everyone else should have the same sign !

  17. It's called "freedom of speech", so yes.

  18. This guy is just expressing himself. Free speech is universal, and should not be silenced by political correctness.

    I think it's entirely OK, especially when he's aring his opinion on criminals and how they should be dealth with. It's totally ligitimate and I - btw. - totally agree with him.

  19. That free speech thing is used even in the soup

    KKK, skin heads and similar use it . Personaly I think he has gone too far

  20. I actually have that bumper sticker on my vehicle and so does my husband, we have every right to display our thoughts and as an American citizen, I practice that right!!!

  21. In the USA you have the right to say what ever you want. Free speech. without violating someones right.

  22. He's doing the right thing!!

  23. It's an expression of free speech.  

    Where can I get one of those signs?

  24. HOORAY for this guy! Freedom of speech at its finest!

  25. Even the dumbest of dumb*sses are entitled to free speech.  Funny, though, that the guy's last name is Rodriguez, huh?  He should know better than anyone that not all Mexicans are illegals.

  26. Expression of Free Speech!

    To answer the first question, YES, they DO have the right to drive around with a sign like that.  As far as his sign being vandalized, the people who did it should be in jail...and probably deported after that also.

  27. We need more signs like this. Put one at every Home Depot store!!!

  28. hee hee hee

  29. Good for him! I love the sign.

    I'm glad it's having an impact on the illegals that are trying to get work - they shouldn't even be here and they are not a benefit to the community

  30. First amendment  right chum.

    He has every right to have that sign.

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