
Does a push equal a punch?

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Does a hard push that sends you to the ground gives you the right to punch or just get up and keep pushing like a *****?

Would you parents get mad at your kid for fighting back?




  1. Nope, my parents wouldn't. They would be glad that I stuck up for myself and showed that kid whoose boss. But if I were to start a fight for no good reason I probably will get grounded.

    Don't start a fight...just defend yourself if you need to.

  2. I wouldn't call it being a ***** (that sends a definite message to your child, that not being aggressive is unmanly). If you can walk away that's best, if you need to fight, fight. Do what you have to, to get yourself from being the victim and leave it at that.

    Edit: I do believe that parents who teach their children to not ever fight back, leave them open to being a victim. I think everyone should know the basics on how to defend themselves but it should end at that. Too often, there's a fight and someone goes overboard. One pop to get yourself outta there, not to send someone to the hospital.

  3. yes, fight back. he initiated it. defend yourself.  

  4. Getting up and punching back also gives you the right to be charged with assault and gain a criminal record.  Fights can escalate to manslaughter. Is it worth it?

  5. i guess you can give a Punch, equaling for self defense. and parents who get mad at thier kid for defending themself are crazy people

  6. Once someone starts **** with you by pushing you to the ground that means you need to get up and fight back.or walk away like a *****,i would say you just got punked.once someone puts there hands on you and you fight back its called self defence.

  7. Best to just avoid the fight altogether. Use your big boy words.  

  8. ? but ***** the age of 3-6 are that way or there mently retarded

  9. I am a parent, and no, I would not get mad if my kids.  

    If you ae being bullied, then stick up for yourself.  If that is the case then your parents should understand - just make sure you are not the one that start the trouble.  

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