
Does a "Health TONIC" work on an 18 year old??......?

by Guest64758  |  earlier

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Does a growth tonic syrup work on an 18 year old?? will it make him/her grow ?




  1. It works on nobody.

      Will it make him grow what?--carrots

  2. Most, but not all, people have reached their maximum height by the age of 18.

    Proper nutrition during childhood is one factor which will help a person to achieve his or her optimal height, so it is possible that a person who is still growing at age 18 may continue to affect his or her height to a small degree via diet.

    I would caution against the use of any "growth tonic"; however, except under the advice and supervision of a qualified medical professional.

  3. yes,it can be.but depends on the substances inside and the body absorbtion.

    and still keep carefully.

  4. i think you stop growing in height at around 20ish i was 5"4 when i left school  at 16 and grew another 4" ie 5-8" somwhere between 16 and 21 as for the health tonic icant see it doing a lot

  5. If it is a growth hormone type of thing, it will only work if you are still growing. Once the process is complete, even the injected human growth hormone won't make you grow. You are right at the cusp of growth so no way to tell for sure without an X-Ray of your finger tips. They look for a boney cap to tell if you have finished growing.

    Of course, you could always try it and if you grow, you know.

  6. Why not?

  7. Only growth hormone can make you grow, and that's only if a) your bones' growth plates haven't sealed (which they probably have at your age) and b) the hormone is injected, not taken orally.

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