
Does a "Mood Ring" reflect your aura?

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If does it work? What is it picking up?




  1. your body heat makes it work. Your aura is your aura , and a totally different thing all together.

  2. It's heat.  I saw some "mood fabric" in a magazine (some fancy-shmancy home magazine, like Architectural Digest or something) on an ottoman that was covered in heat-reactive material.

    Pretty cool, I guess.  But it was like 3000 bucks, so that's not so cool.

    No, I don't think there's much correlation between body temperature and mood.  I mean, your body functions change due to stress, pleasure, fear, etc., but I don't think temperatures are the main indicators.l

    Some people claim to photograph auras using Kirlian photography (running a current through a photographic medium...I don't really know how it works) or similar techniques.  They show a haze around people or objects, which they interpret as an aura.

    But I don't know that they really work.  If people have an aura that's an electromagnetic extension of their body (possible), then I guess you could take a picture of it.  But if the aura is something spiritual (as some sources seem to explain it), then I don't think you could take a picture of it.

  3. "Mood Rings" & all types of "Mood Jewelry" are just a general indicator of your surface body-temperature, and are only remotely accurate at best in reflecting your "Mood(s)" based upon the color(s) being displayed at any given time.  The key ingredient in all types of "Mood Jewelry" that does the color changing is "Liquid Crystal".  Rarely, you may come across a piece of "Mood Jewelry" that will have a higher than average degree of accuracy in the color(s) being reflective of your "Mood". . if you should find one, hang on to it.  Mostly, though, "Mood Jewelry" is a novelty-entertainment item; essentially a toy sold as a marketable item.

    The "Human Aura" is considered by most serious scientists as "fringe-science" & viewed with a lot of scepticism.  However, a "Human Aura" is considered by those who take it seriously as the "Spiritual Light" of your "Soul" & the "Aura's" color is believed to reflect the essence of your "Spiritual Self" or your "Character" (so-to-speak).

    There may be the very rare possibility of finding a "Mood Ring" or piece of "Mood Jewelry" that could key in on the "Inner Self", but in that case- It would only display the 1 or 2 prominant color(s) of one's "Spiritual Self" & not make all of the color changes that "Mood Rings/Mood Jewelry" are well know for.

  4. They measure body heat.

    I learned this quickly the first time I came across them because I have poor circulation and my body is always very cold, so it would constantly tell me I was nervous... which is funny because I'm a very mellow person.


  6. The mood ring changes color with the temperature of your skin. The "stone" contains liquid crystals which change their conformation with temperature, which also changes the way they absorb and reflect light (i.e., the frequencies of light preferentially absorbed or reflected). Skin moisture can also have an effect because the moisture will help conduct heat from your skin to the ring. The link below contains some more details if you want to dig in to it.

    It has nothing to do with the aura and in fact there is nothing known that can detect an aura, which probably don't exist at all.

  7. Hello love, my name is Zaria Storm. A  mood ring was really invented to test folks body heat, and how they reacted in certain situations. I believe that your heart rate also has something to do with it.... I hope that what I  hope that what I have told you will help you in some way... Blessings to you ... Zaria

  8. Body heat

  9. Yup, it's body heat. They say it's supposed to reflect your mood, but they never work for me. The mood it says I'm supposed to be feeling is never right. lol Pretty though.

  10. I asked the same question to my friend, a P.I. She said that mood rings just refer to the heat your body gives off, but that aura is a much more complex thing that is impossible to target while still alive

  11. its picking up your body heat

  12. Temperature of your skin is what it picks up.

  13. I have included a link below on how mood rings work.

    I don't know of anyone that has ever claimed (do you?) that they are also indications of aura.

    It would be interesting to conduct a blind test like the color of a mood ring on a person with the color of a person's aura (perhaps the person would have to be behind a screen or something). Then you could possibly establish a correlation.


  14. It more like reflects your body temperature!

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