
Does a "best question" exist?

by Guest59379  |  earlier

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Though, it would be interesting to see what the best rated question is here on yahoo answers, that is not the meaning of my question.

I want to know, is it possible to have a best question? Does a "best question" exist? If so, what would it look like? How would we know if it was truly the best question? What standards could we apply to find out if it really is the best question? Where might we find it? Who might we ask? Why even bother looking for a best question?




  1. All questions, which includes "best question" are relevant to time and place as life is in a continuing state of flux.... Therefor, the "best question" today, most likely will not be the best question tomorrow....and so on.

    Why even bother looking for the best question?  Why not?  You never know...... you might just hit the jackpot!

  2. yours is a good question....

    i think the best questions are philosophical ones...

    timeless questions with substance that cannot be pinned down

    with one answer.

  3. There is no best question. But I think the best of questions would be the ones that would apply to many, many people.

    For example, asking a question like, "What are the cheapest calendars I can find?" doesn't really apply to many people. But a question like, "How can I extend the life of my car?" or, "How can I increase my gas mileage" are questions that I consider good ones because everyone wants to know the answers to those particular queries.

  4. A best question may exist if it meet the asker's criteria or standard. so i think itz possible.A best question may have no answer also. Diff people apply diff standards to it, like ''does it clear my doubts?'' or does it have the kinda outcome that i wanted?anyone could haven given u the best question and anywhere..looking for a best question is some how like trying to find the true meaning of something..

  5. No, because there are far too many interesting things on Earth and the Universe to ask about. And who would be the judges to determine the best one, as each of them will have different levels of knowledge, education and experiences? Who can  assess which category on Y!A is the most ideal?  I would be more concerned on my interests and ask good questions each time i come on the site, so as to receive satisfactory answers. You could also search for your favourite quesion and read all the Best Answers which run into thousands. So finally i dont bother about seeking for the best question, because it would never exist at all. Cheers!

  6. No. Believe me, best question will never exist. We are full of questions creature. Unless we die, we never stop asking question for the rest of our life as we live, therefore we'll never know the best question in our life. There are/will be no standards. To whom we ask? Nobody. Cause we always ask things based on our needs. And we human will never get enough asking questions n will never satisfied that we will never stop. Therefore,dont bother looking for the best question.

  7. Best questions arise occasionally and are considered so for being inspirational in prompting greater brain wave function and thought processes. The human mind is an infinite vastness of dormant information and opinions lying latent awaiting an opportunity to be spoken or heard.

    The art of conversation is to inspire healthy interesting debate, give verse to contrary views and be afforded an occasion to learn and discuss such intriguing and intellectually challenging perspectives.

  8. No, because everyone would have a different opinion about what the best question would be. However, there can be a 'best question' for yourself. Of course, if you came across it, you would probably never know if it was the best question because you'll probably never know the answer.

  9. Yeah "What is the best thing that happened to you today?" or "What is the best book you have read?". Both questions has the word best in them therefore they are best questions.

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