
Does a "root canal" hurt? What are some ways to ease dental phobia/anxiety? I'm a grownup not a little kid btw

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Does a "root canal" hurt? What are some ways to ease dental phobia/anxiety? I'm a grownup not a little kid btw




  1. The actual procedure should not hurt because you will be medicated.Its possible that an infection may develop afterwards and you will need antibiotics.

  2. As an adult it may hurt alittle more, should of had it done yrs ago, the pain will be there doing the pulling routine but all pain soon goes away, just dont think about it till the day comes to have them yanked.  

  3. I actually just had my first and last root canal done yesterday,

    although my tooth had no abscess the nerve was

    starting to get infected. Sometimes you'll get a pain

    but you'll just have to make a noise so they'll know your

    in pain and they will numb your tooth more.

    Mine only hurt for an hour after I left, it feels great right now

    and its really worth it in the end.

    just relax, and focus on something else.

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