
Does a relative have the TV on so loud aliens in space know what they're watching?

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Does a relative have the TV on so loud aliens in space know what they're watching?




  1. May be who ve exact proof that there's  really aliens.

  2. im not 2 smrt but sound cant trvel tru space

  3. With the c**p on tv i think Aliens are putting it on.

  4. I guess you mean she/he has it on full blast.

    No relatives do this

    but a HARD OF HEARING (deaf) friend does.:D

  5. yeah - he's going deaf i'm sure of it!

  6. No, the 'Vacationers' in the Next Unit sure do, though...!!

  7. My husband.

  8. Yes, my neighbour does. I know what he's watching from across the street!

  9. Me Dad used to do that but his hearing was stuffed by working in a steelworks.  

  10. Oh yes. Here my roommate will have the TV up so loud  to the point I am surprised the cops have not came by to tell them to turn it down. That they are disturbing the piece. When I go to ask them a question they will sometimes yell at me and say don't yell at me. I yell back I wouldn't have to yell if you would turn the TV down and put your hear aids on.  

  11. Only when the news is on. Everything else isn't worth listening to, according to my parents.

  12. yes, and I'm getting fed up of it

  13. No, but my neighbour has her TV loud enough for her relatives in space to hear.

  14. the radio signals and television signals stretch far out into space so probably like omatron perci 6 i thinks thats it from futurama

  15. They won't be able to hear it no matter how loud down here

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