
Does a root canal hurt? what do u feel while there doing it??

by Guest55957  |  earlier

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im gettin one done next thursday and just wanted to know what i should expect and what if i should be prepared for pain........uhm i went 2day and they gave me Amoxcicillon 500mg to take until my appointment next week




  1. They probably gave you the amoxicillin because you have an infection they are trying to clear up. This is good! Had they started a root canal while you had an infection, you most likely would have had a hard time getting numb. Since they're getting rid of the infection, you should be able to get numb and you should feel anything. Make sure you take the amox as directed or the infection won't clear up, you won't be as likely to get numb and your root canal will be painful.

    Good luck!

  2. You will feel nothing as you will be numb....your mouth will be open...just take your ipod and is no different than a filling...

    Do NOT listen to the horror STORIES (and I mean stories) here on YA.....most people have no problems with this procedure...

    You are lucky to be saving the is a great procedure to save a tooth.  

  3. It would hurt if you didn't have a local anesthetic, but the dentist will surely give you one.  Insist on it if he doesn't do so without being asked.  Afterwards, you may feel a little sore, but he will probably prescribe a painkiller, and maybe more antibiotics as well.  

    EDIT  Evidently I've been lucky, or the previous answerer had a particularly bad experience!  There definitely shouldn't be severe pain AFTER a root canal, because the procedure involves removing the nerve.  But make sure your dentitst prescribes enough medication for afterwards.

  4. Wow poor thing i feel sorry for you. It is by far the worst pain i have ever experienced in my entire life, and many other people I know will say the same! The doctors give you a million shots with needles on the gums, which hurts like heck. Then they drill your tooth untill it's all gone basically which hurts and feels cold and stings and feels very weird. Then comes the most painful part-- when they pull the nerve out. It hurts so freakin bad when they do that, you will be crying. It's this awful sensation of unbearable heat and pinching while the dentist grabs your nerve, and then numbs it with a needle shot. And then when he actually goes to yank it out it hurts because it doesnt pull out that easily. It looks like a piece of meat that got stuck in between your teeth if he decides to show you the removed nerve. But yeah, prepare to just stay in bed crying from the pain for about 3 days to a week afterwards. Make sure you stock up on enough codene or heavy painkillers, ibuprofen and advil will definitely not be enough to cut it! Also don't breath in through your teeth because the cold air will hurt your teeth like heck. Just think of a happy place and make sure you have something to grab. Good luck and I hope your experience isn't as painful as mine was.

  5. Don't worry, don't panic. it sounds worse than it is. I am 25 and I have had 2 root canals and I can assure you that I have felt much more pain BEFORE seeing a dentist than during or after the procedure.

    I have had one root canal without anesthetic because the root was already dead (the tooth pain before the root canal when the nerve was dying is the most severe pain I have experienced in my life.), anyway during the procedure I didn't feel any pain, maybe slight discomfort but that's b/c I used to be dental phobic (I'm not anymore).

    the 2nd root canal I had was with Anesthesia (and a different dentist) and with this one and didn't feel anything at all, I was about to have a nap during the procedure.

    I'm not a dentist but from my experience I can describe what I remember. the dentist starts by giving you the anesthetic , the shot is probably the most discomforting part of the whole procedure (maybe a 2 over 10) and then he drills to open the tooth, see the decay and clean it (this sounds scary but it's not) , then he removes the nerve (you're numb so you won't feel it) put some medication or antiseptic to make sure it's clean and fills the space with a special material that he melts (I'm not sure of the spelling but it's called "gueta percha"), then after that  he fills the tooth and later on you will get a nice crown.

    after the procedure is done, the dentist may prescribe anti-biotic and pain killer. you may feel a little sore after the ansthetic wears off, but pain killers will take care of that. don't worry, it's really NOT as bad as people say.

    did you know that root canal procedure has more than 90% success rate ? this number is pretty high !!!!

    Go for it, there is nothing to fear (take that from an X-Phobic person) don't let the sounds of water and air scare you. you can do it !!!!

    Good luck

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