
Does a sagittarius+ a libra= compatible match?

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Does a sagittarius+ a libra= compatible match?




  1. Well, I'm a Libra and my husband's a Sagitarrius and we're just fine! I remember looking it up in a book I used to have when we first started dating and although I can't remember exactly what it said I do remember that it was good!!

  2. They are compatible in form of personality...but mainly there's a physical attraction with lots or steamy hot fire!


  4. The Sagg is a little on the wild side with many different interests.  Libra is more balanced less impulsive .  Both love to travel and to swim and sports.  They are explorers though and if you travel with these two they will go off the beaten path and find new adventures whereever they are.  Not like regular vacationers.  Both are very interesting people and Libra is very dependable.  If they say they will be somewhere they will be, whereas Sagg will show up but it might be a few hours later.  (they get distracted)  I think it is a good match and you both will have a lot to talk about.  Just accept the differences between the two of you and be kind and respectful of your differences and you will get along great.

  5. Sagittarius + Libra

    Fire + Air = Hot Air

    There’s something really refreshing about the combination of Libra and Sagittarius. There’s an immediate sense of comfort, an ease of communication and a general feeling of wellbeing when you and Libra connect.

    Libra will prove to be a worthy friend. They have the ability to slowly but surely polish the rough yet valuable Sagittarian diamond that you are.

    There are similarities between your signs. Most importantly, you both love diversity, change and investigating the world and the people you come into contact with. Because of this you’ll be able to give Libra the excitement and variety they thrive on. This is particularly so when it comes to people. People are very important to Libra.

    You might eventually choose to vacation together or simply go on long walks in beautiful natural surroundings. This will help you to slip into the groove of interesting discussion and emotional sharing which is vital to the wellbeing of a Libran.

    Some Sagittarians and Librans meet while they are on holiday, travelling overseas or interstate (or, would you believe, standing at the bus stop on their way home from work). However it happens, you’re very interested in travel, and your star sign also strongly influences Libra’s travel tastes. This will be an important factor in your meeting and your friendship.

    The romantic side of your relationship is a most interesting one. If Libra can get over the initial shock/horror of your ‘in your face’ attitude, you’ll both start enjoying your intimate moments together.

    Be careful not to push Libra too far, though. They are very sensitive, and don’t like being taken beyond the limits of good taste. Once you begin to relax together, get to know each other more, your closeness will shift to a deeper level; your satisfaction will also intensify over time.

    Librans born between 23 September and 3 October are probably a little too fickle for your liking, even though you see much of your own independence in them. You’ll need to do some pretty clever wheeling and dealing to bring them into line with your romantic objectives.

    Librans born between 4 October and 13 October also promise some exciting times. Things can even get a little zany when the two of you team up. Expect the unexpected with them.

    You have incredibly good opportunities for marriage with Librans born between 14 October and 23 October. The influence of Gemini and Mercury, which rules your marriage sector, means that this is by far your best combination with Libra. You’ll be destined for good things with them.

  6. Yes they are compatible

  7. Libra Man & Sagittarius Woman

    This match definitely has the potential for becoming a happy, long-term love. He will be fascinated by your spontaneous and free approach to life. Your outgoing style will inspire him to be even more bold than usual in exploring new people, places and things. The physical chemistry is strong between you, which is why Libra boys and Sagittarius girls are drawn together often. Your kisses will sparkle! The one thing that could be a problem has to do with lifestyle: he is way into luxury (clothes, expensive stuff) and you are a come-as-you-are type of girl. But if you can accept each other’s differences and agree to do your own thing as far as style is concerned, this match can last and become a strong, true love. A very good match. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    What starts out as a friendship between Sadge girl and Libra boy could very easily blossom into a full-fledged romance.  You feel comfortable and at ease with each other.  Libra boy will challenge you intellectually, and you'll encourage him to new heights.  Even if the romance doesn't carry you into your old age, a lifelong friendship has been formed. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )


    Libra Woman & Sagittarius Man

    This match can be very good if he's willing to commit to it. His adventurous spirit and amazing energy is fascinating to you. You'll find yourself being more creative around him, and you'll learn to really be as spontaneous as you've always known you could be. You will laugh a lot together, as your senses of humor are very similar. He's very funny and he loves to make you happy. The physical chemistry between you two will also be very strong. The only drawback is, while you are a flirt who never means anything by it, he is a flirt who has a tendency to fool around on his girlfriends. If he can stay faithful, however, this relationship can be a lot of fun and it can turn into the "real thing." A good match. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Libra girl is fascinated by Sadge boy's carefree attitude and ability to attract a crowd anywhere he goes.  As any good Libra girl can tell you, it's a talent that doesn't come easy for all signs of the zodiac.  He'll pledge his love to you, but you can't always count on him in the long haul. This doesn't make him bad, just different from you. ( FUNgirl - Astrology )

  8. A happy and a long lasting relationship is possible between a Libra and Sagittarius. Sagittarius loves adventures, so Libra won’t ever get bored with them. also the Sagittarius will easily overlook the small romances of Libra. But the problem arises as Sagittarius looks for a bit of change to keep them going and the Libra needs a warm and stable partner. Once they overcome these differences, there will be a strong relationship between these two zodiac signs.

  9. As far as sun signs go, yes. However, you should look at the whole chart...The Moon, Venus, Mars, Rising, and sign located in the 7th house and the aspects to really know your compatibility.

    Of course...I believe that with the right amount of love, any relationship can work.

  10. Try this site

    Go Sag Go

    Love the freedom

    Love Match: Libra Woman Dating Sagittarius Man

    This is an excellent love match in many ways! The Libra woman will have so much fun dating a Sagittarius man. She’ll fall in love with his exuberance and he’ll adore her ability to keep up with his far reaching ideals.

    The Libra woman is and Sagittarius man are by nature expansive and hopeful people. They see the best in one another and can put the relationship on a pedestal after only a few dates.

    Sexually, this couple will be like lovebirds! The Libra woman thrives on her Sagittarius man’s open expression of love and the Sagittarius man is thrilled at his Libra woman being so open to sexual adventures with him.

    Compatibility Rating: Woman Man Dating - Love & Relationship Compatibility HoroscopeWoman Man Dating - Love & Relationship Compatibility HoroscopeWoman Man Dating - Love & Relationship Compatibility HoroscopeWoman Man Dating - Love & Relationship Compatibility Horoscope

    Note: Your compatibility with other signs of the zodiac also depends on your planets, rising signs and other aspects!

  11. Most definitely!!!!  I'm a Libra and I love the Sags!!!  My mom is one and my first boyfriend is one.  He and I dated in high school and even though we're no longer together, we're still the closest of friends.  Sags are the adventurers of the zodiac.  They are always looking for something new and interesting to experience.  Sags also love to learn things in their adventures.  This is where Libra can come in handy.  Being an air sign, Libra loves to think and look at the world from all angles.  We are the Scales and have to see every point of view possible.   That open-minded mentality will definitely intrigue the Sag, and Sag will be delighted to have such an intellectual companion to come along.  And through Sags adventures, Libra can learn more about the world and it's many opportunities and will follow the Sag wherever they want to go.  So I say, go for it!!!  If at the very worst, you could become great friends.

  12. No. You aren't a symbol, so they don't even exist.

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